What Time Did You Go To Bed?

3-4am. I've been trying to sleep at a normal time because it makes me feel more productive when I wake up but it's really hard to fix. I just woke up and its 1pm.
4am for me last night!

I had originally planned 1am but I was in a big writing motivation bubble which only come once every few months so mustn't dare disturb it. I feel bleh right now but at least I'm happy with what I wrote and with the direction I took the story!
I didn’t sleep at all last night. Going to go to bed early tonight.
Yesterday, it was 6am... ': ( (and I didn't wake up until almost 4pm)

Right now, it's 3:36am, and I'm hoping I'll be falling asleep sooner this time.
2:30am. Quarantine has been eating my sleep schedule and basically told me to suck it up.
10 pm whenever I have work, weekends/holidays it might wary..mostly around the same time though unless I can't sleep or wanna stay up for some groovy movies
i actually went to bed "early" at around 1:30 this morning.. but during this quarantine my average sleeping time has been around 3 or 3:30! it's gonna be so hard to adjust it when everything is back to normal
I did 1:30am last night. Not bad considering it's been 3am or later recently.
it really varies (read: i'm having a bad time). i would say on a 'normal' quarantine day, i would go to bed at 4am (on these days i do homework from 10pm-4am). but lately i've been going to bed at 4pm and sleeping until the next morning around 11am, sometimes waking up intermittently and falling asleep again at odd hours. in the past week i've gone to bed at 7pm one night, 6am another, 4pm one day.

it feels like i'm losing my mind. last night i hit the sleep train at 5am.
Quarantine really messed up my sleep schedule so maybe around 4am, been trying to move it earlier though, slept 3 last night.
i'm writing my final papers and it's 7:22am i haven't slept since i woke up yesterday around 11 :( halfway there though!
I'm coming off 5+ years of being an overnight worker, now I'm a bloody daywalker, so my schedule is ALL over the place.
I've also had to start drinking coffee again to adjust to the new hours, which is not helping me with falling asleep at night. So I'll usually try to get to bed anywhere between midnight and 1am.

However, it's my weekend now, so I ended up playing ACNH until 3:30am last night since I was redesigning my layout x.x

It sucks since my boyfriend is still (and will be, until retirement) night shift, so it's been hard not getting as much snuggle time or awake time :C
For the last two days it's been 12:45! I'm slowly coming back to normal.
3:30 AM, was busy reading manga. still got up at 9:00 AM though, because I’m cool like that