Recently, it can go up to 4AM, the time all seems to meld together for me now, like cake mix in a blender full of ingredients all swirling into one thing that seems impossible to've gotten from what you initially started out with... .. ahhh... .. quarantine.
Well, last night I went to bed around my usual time of 1am, but I couldn't sleep so I tossed and turned until well after 5am. Then, my dog woke me up at around 6am and again around 8:30am. Hopefully I can fall asleep sooner tonight because I really need some sleep for work tomorrow.
I usually sleep at some point between 3 and 4am. It's very rare that I force myself to sleep any earlier than that. I usually stay on the computer until about 2 or 2:30, and then I watch youtube or something on my Switch in bed...and then I fall asleep whenever I actually get tired, which tends to happen pretty quick when I'm watching videos in bed (I thought screens were supposed to keep you awake, lol). Seriously, though...I can be wide awake, start watching videos or even playing a game in bed, and start nodding off in mere moments. It's kinda wild.
I went to sleep at 3 anddddddd its almost 3 again, but I have stuff I have to do today and yesterday I didn't. The day before that I stayed up til around 5 to watch a TV show.
If I have a mid shift the next day, then I'll go to sleep around midnight or 1am. If I have a closing shift or the day off the next day, 3am.
Today is a mid shift, so I went to sleep a little bit after midnight. Tonight I'm gonna get to stay up till 3am but sometimes I just get tired and can barely keep my eyes open.