What villager have you changed your opinions of?


⛧Roxie of Avalar⛧
Aug 23, 2014
Heart of the Forest
Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Bloom
Lily of the Valley
Aurora Sky
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
I never saw the appeal in Diana or Bianca before NH.
I thought Bianca was just another white tiger in New Leaf but I saw her on a mystery island in NH and realized she's actually a snow leopard, my favorite animal, and I instantly fell in love with her!
Diana showed up at my campsite and I thought wow she's so beautiful, I love her fur colors and the dark purple dress she wears in NH. I actually used to have her amiibo card but I sold it a few years ago, hoping to pick up a new one at some point.

Shep was my favorite villager in New Leaf. Every time I let him move out he would wait a couple weeks and move back into the exact same spot right by my house, it happened like three times lol.
I invited him to my island in NH, but he's just not the same, I don't care for his house in NH, and the smug personality seems different now, less flirtatious, so it kinda feels like we've grown apart... (same goes for Punchy)

Do you have any villagers that, for better or worse, just hit different now?
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I used to be utterly obsessed with Apple so naturally she was one of the first villagers I hunted down once I started my island, and I don't know what it is but I just couldn't get on with her the same? as a peppy she was always talking about being a star and all that but somehow it just felt different with her, so I eventually let her go and I haven't really missed her since.
on a positive note, the wolves and bears have grown on me in this game! I never really saw the appeal but Fang and Ursala both moved onto my island fairly early on and since then I've grown in appreciation for the species. that's all I can think of off the top of my head!
lobo. i hate the colour blue, especially darker blues, so i was never that interested in him for his character design. i thought his house exterior wasn't going to be that good to decorate with, and i just.. overall wasn't that keen on the idea of having him around. of course, the only NPC that i wasn't remotely interested in meeting happened to be my forced campsite villager - but now? i absolutely wouldn't trade him up for the world. he's quite possibly my favourite villager, especially because of his grumpy personality, and the colour of his fur or his home or anything like that literally doesn't matter to me anymore.

wow, i feel so feckin' shallow saying i didn't want anything to do with a villager because they were blue 😂
i used to really dislike tabby because i thought she looked weird ;; but i saw her on my boyfriend's island and i actually kinda fell in love with her :oops: shes really cute and her design is really unique!!
i used to really dislike tabby because i thought she looked weird ;; but i saw her on my boyfriend's island and i actually kinda fell in love with her :oops: shes really cute and her design is really unique!!
I feel the same about Merry, I used to dislike her hair. It doesn't bother me anymore and I love her little fangs (and double chin) in NH, she's too cute
axel used to be my favourite because he has the same birthday as me was my first villager on NL which was also the first animal crossing game i didn't share with my sister, so it was an important game for me lol
i don't like him as much now though
my new favourite is katt, i had her in NL and i did like her then but now i like her more for some reason

i did have diana in my NL campsite at one point and thought she was pretty weird looking but my sister said she was popular and that i had to move her into my town, i didn't like her or any snooty villagers at the time so i kicked her out as soon as i could
now i do like her

also can't forget the time i hated stitches for looking creepy, now i think he's adorable

there's also loads of other villagers i never even noticed until NH
like grizzly, sylvanna, bonbon, genji, snake, rod, tabby, frobert (and more, there's too many to list)
my opinions on villagers change so much 😅
axel used to be my favourite because he has the same birthday as me was my first villager on NL which was also the first animal crossing game i didn't share with my sister, so it was an important game for me lol
i don't like him as much now though
my new favourite is katt, i had her in NL and i did like her then but now i like her more for some reason

i did have diana in my NL campsite at one point and thought she was pretty weird looking but my sister said she was popular and that i had to move her into my town, i didn't like her or any snooty villagers at the time so i kicked her out as soon as i could
now i do like her

also can't forget the time i hated stitches for looking creepy, now i think he's adorable

there's also loads of other villagers i never even noticed until NH
like grizzly, sylvanna, bonbon, genji, snake, rod, tabby, frobert (and more, there's too many to list)
my opinions on villagers change so much 😅
Yeah I was sleeping on Sylvana in NL for sure, I've had her amiibo for a long time and didn't have any idea how cute she really is
I used to love love merengue and Diana in NL. They were my permanent villagers and were not allowed to ever leave. But for some reason they’ve lost appeals for me in NH. I run into both of them on mystery tours during a villager hunt, and Although I had specific villagers in mind I was willing to settle for other cute villagers as I was about running out of NMTs. But for some reason i didn’t want to take them in even though they are still quite cute obviously. Idk, perhaps part of me just want to experience new villagers that I’ve not had before in NL, but I still quite love Marshal in NH and would take him in a heartbeat if I come across him on mystery island.

Villagers that surprisingly I’ve grown quite fond of in NH is Katt and maple. I used to think Katt is so ugly when I played in NL but for some reason I’ve changed my heart and now Katt is on my dream list. Same for maple, I used to think she’s so average and don’t quite understand why people like her so much but now that she’s on my island I can see why there’s so much hype about her.
Wolfgang! I was so tepid about him at first. I only let him move on to my island because I thought he was one of the cuter Crankies and I wanted to have all types except smug to increase my chances of having Raymond show up at my campsite. I really didn't want a cranky at all (they were so mean in the first game!). I love him so much now! I dress him in what I call professor chic (think argyle sweaters, etc) and refer to him as Island Dad. He always says the sweetest stuff. He wrote me a letter that said "I was just walkin' around the other day, thinkin' about nothin' in particular, when I suddenly thought of you. Not sure why, but I thought I'd better send you a quick note in case you felt like writin' back. Hope to hear back. -Wolfgang" Please stop, my heart can't take it. 😭
Wolfgang! I was so tepid about him at first. I only let him move on to my island because I thought he was one of the cuter Crankies and I wanted to have all types except smug to increase my chances of having Raymond show up at my campsite. I really didn't want a cranky at (they were so mean in the first game!). I love him so much now! I dress him in what I call professor chic (think argyle sweaters, etc) and refer to him as Island Dad. He always says the sweetest stuff. He wrote me a letter that said "I was just walkin' around the other day, thinkin' about nothin' in particular, when I suddenly thought of you. Not sure why, but I thought I'd better send you a quick note in case you felt like writin' back. Hope to hear back. -Wolfgang" Please stop, my heart can't take it. 😭
Wolfgang has been my favorite since 2005.

I've had him in every game and town since then. ^_^
It would had to be Muffy. I used to like her because she was the only sisterly sheep I had on my island, but over time she just started to wear down on me. The way you look at her her face is a bit creepy. So I decided to let her go by August 2020.
I used to love love merengue and Diana in NL. They were my permanent villagers and were not allowed to ever leave. But for some reason they’ve lost appeals for me in NH. I run into both of them on mystery tours during a villager hunt, and Although I had specific villagers in mind I was willing to settle for other cute villagers as I was about running out of NMTs. But for some reason i didn’t want to take them in even though they are still quite cute obviously. Idk, perhaps part of me just want to experience new villagers that I’ve not had before in NL, but I still quite love Marshal in NH and would take him in a heartbeat if I come across him on mystery island.

Villagers that surprisingly I’ve grown quite fond of in NH is Katt and maple. I used to think Katt is so ugly when I played in NL but for some reason I’ve changed my heart and now Katt is on my dream list. Same for maple, I used to think she’s so average and don’t quite understand why people like her so much but now that she’s on my island I can see why there’s so much hype about her.
I don't like the normal personailty as much in NH either, they seem kind of simple and boring I get a lot of repeat dialog from them.
1. Judy. Her eyes freaked me out from seeing screenshots of her on the fan wiki. Then my S/O showed me a video where another player showed off her various facial expressions, which quickly changed my view on her. I came across her on a first ticket of an island hopping adventure and invited her without any hesitation.
2. Coco. Her eyes devoid of any expression scared me, too. My S/O has her on his island, and she's much more endearing in-person.
3. Phil and Zell. I really liked their appearances, but when they lived on my island (at different times), I just...didn't vibe with them. I suppose they give me the impression of the archetypal "cool" kid in high school who would bully other kids. It makes me wary to invite other villagers that give off this vibe, like Lopez, to my island, but I'll probably give them another chance later down the road.
I think I've changed my mind on some of the weirder or ugly villagers, in that I like that they aren't just more plain, cute villagers. I wasn't crazy about villagers with bright color schemes before, like Peaches (neon pink and orange). However, I've gotten bored of the same handful of villagers from visiting some dream islands, and now I want more uncommon villagers just for some variety. So I guess I've changed my mind both ways - some of the most popular villagers I still find cute, but wouldn't invite them to my island; some unpopular villagers with more unique/colorful designs I've warmed up to a lot.

I think most of this is me realizing that having 10 permanent dreamies as villagers isn't my play style; I'd rather have new villagers every so often.
1. Judy. Her eyes freaked me out from seeing screenshots of her on the fan wiki. Then my S/O showed me a video where another player showed off her various facial expressions, which quickly changed my view on her. I came across her on a first ticket of an island hopping adventure and invited her without any hesitation.
2. Coco. Her eyes devoid of any expression scared me, too. My S/O has her on his island, and she's much more endearing in-person.
3. Phil and Zell. I really liked their appearances, but when they lived on my island (at different times), I just...didn't vibe with them. I suppose they give me the impression of the archetypal "cool" kid in high school who would bully other kids. It makes me wary to invite other villagers that give off this vibe, like Lopez, to my island, but I'll probably give them another chance later down the road.
I wasn't sold on Judy until I had a sudden realization that she looks like a doodle bear, then I was hooked lol
I used to actually really dislike Merengue. I thought the strawberry horn was a step too far in her design. Was just not interested at all. I found her in an island trying to replace Wart Jr. (who I just can’t stand) and took a chance on her. I am so pleased with her! She’s great! Just a perfect fit for me and my island. It does run afoul of my 1 villager per species rule since I have Renée as well. I’ll be keeping Merengue though ( Renée is up for replacement).
Ankha - initially I didn't like the permanent frowny face, but she showed up at my campsite one day and her expression became endearing to me over time