What was the first console you have ever owned?

My 'family' owned the NES and SNES. I think the first actual console that was actually mine was Gameboy Pocket

I loved those things. Really all gameboys were really rad
Hmm, I'm not sure if the first console was the original Playstation (sorry not sorry Nintendo section) that me and my sister shared or the purple Gameboy Colour which was mine all mine that I got for what must have been Christmas 1999 or maybe my birthday in 2000. It came with Pokemon Red and it is still in the bag 10 feet away from me, wrapped up in lollipop hat to stop it getting scratched, batteries out so they don't leak and ruin it. The 'A' Button doesn't work so well, been thinking about getting the padding behind it replaced since you can buy replacement bits online, and it is covered in scratches from all those drops but old Nintendo's had legendary build quality.

This isn't mine (where are the scratches?) but it's the same model:

Gameboy advance. (I feel like I might have had a Gameboy color first, but I don't really rmb). My grandpa bought it for me (he's a bit of a techy), many many moons ago. Had Pokemon Yellow, Super Mario and Bomberman. Lost/hated bomberman because I was too stupid to play it.
3ds. Was in 3rd grade, and very jealous of my then best friend and my cousins DS's. Christmas of 4th grade came and I got a 3ds XL. I played games like Nintendogs, Scribblenauts, and Cooking Mama. In June I got ACNL.
The NES, that my grandmother bought when it first was out but it was more my parent's than mine, but my very first one, was the Wii.
My first gaming console was the good ol' Game Boy. I remember when the Game Boy Advance SP came out and didn't require batteries. Instead, using a charging cord. I was flabbergasted (I've never used that word before, so I thought I should for the first time). Not only that I was speechless when I turned on my brand new Game Boy Advance SP to see that it had a backlight.

The Game Boy Advance that I had before the SP had no backlight and required two AA Batteries. You couldn't play it in the dark or in the light. You had to be in a room that was lit to a certain extent just to see the screen. I remember playing Pok?mon Yellow non-stop until my Game Boy died. It always felt the need to die when you decided that you could go a few minutes without saving your game. But I still loved it nonetheless.
The Super Nintendo 64. Then after that it was a silver Gameboy Advanced.

I really wanna buy a N64 again when I get the money, but I need to start saving for Xmas presents soon and after that I wanna get a new tattoo. So a new gaming system will have to wait.
my first console was an indigo gamecube. i used to accidentally tug too hard on the controller so it would disconnect and the disconnect screen always scared the crap outta me.
Nintendo DS

though they're not consoles i feel like tamagotchis and pixel chix should count >.>
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Nintendo DSI XL, pink version. Got bored very quick, and soon got a 3ds.

First console I've ever played is my big sister's 3ds, which she got in September 2011 for her birthday.
I'm about 128% sure the family game console we had when I was born was a N64. Gotta start em out when they're young. :)
Too bad we got rid of it before I could rly make any fond memories of the time...

The first game console I personally owned was a DS Lite back in... 2006-2007 I believe.
The first console I first ever owned was the Nintendo 64 and I still have it to this day! I still have the smash brothers, The legend of Zelda Majora's Mask and Ocarina Of Time. I have other games like Mario Kart 64 but those are my TOP favorite!
The first console I first ever owned was the Nintendo 64 and I still have it to this day! I still have the smash brothers, The legend of Zelda Majora's Mask and Ocarina Of Time. I have other games like Mario Kart 64 but those are my TOP favorite!

^^ This is a rly cool person right here. :cool:
PS1! First Nintendo console was the original DS - that ugly clunky gray thing lol (loved it to death though)