Fantasy Life, Tomodachi Life, Luigi's Dark Moon Nintendogs & Cats, Disney Magical World, Animal Crossing New Leaf
I bought them at the same time when I got my 3dsxl :-/
Pok?mon X. My 3ds and the game were a hand me down from my big brother. At first, I couldn’t stand Pok?mon just because I didn’t like Iris in the Black and White anime and after I gave it a chance, I became obsessed lol
I bought the 3DS for that reason alone, though I knew I would end up playing the 3D remakes of the two classic Legend of Zelda games as well. I didn't expect to discover the Fire Emblem series and ebd up falling in love with it. My second 3DS game was Awakening.
I've always said it was New Leaf, but I can't be so sure anymore. I think I got Mario Kart 7 and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon at the same time as my 3DS back in the day.
Bust-A-Move: Universe. I bought my 3DS a month after the system launched and pickings were still slim at the time, but I do love the Bust-A-Move series and there was a copy in stock. So I went ahead and picked it up. Spent the next few days working to clear the whole story mode too.