What Will You Name Your Town?

No idea. I've been cycling between Pixels and Primvale but it might be time for something new. Time will tell, really.
I'm not entirely sure what I want to name my town, other then something nature related. I kind of like the name Mimosa or Eden, but it's going to be up in the air until AC Switch comes out! :)
I feel like my next town needs to have a name that really means something, so I've been stressing myself out trying to think one up. But nothing, so far :' D Idek why I feel so much pressure to pick out a name when literally every other town I've ever had, I've just picked a name as I started up the game for the first time.
it's gotta be something sailor moon themed as is tradition, my wild world town was just straight up Prettymoon (i was 9) , my current town of course is Crystal..not sure what my switch one will be! if anyone has ideas let me know!
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I'll probably name my town Kanto or Acorn which are the two towns I have now in New Leaf.