Honestly I haven't a clue why but I can't stand "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas, nor can I stand "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift. Neuuuugh... The Macarena's a close one too.
You don't have to change a thing the world could change its heart.
There is such a thing as healthy change and it's much harder to change other people than make positive changes for yourself. The song seems to imply that other people need to change and you as an individual never need to change because it should be everyone else.
I knew I'd have rarely any idea what most of you would be talking about but for me it's almost with some rare exception songs and artists anything post 1993. I will take 50s-then anytime any day and have been that way since a teen which does give me songs of hate from memory Anything by late mid 90s boy bands aka Backstreet Boys, any rap/hip hop and country songs I Hope You Dance...no no no..and Live Like You Were Dying...no no. And Still the One by Shania Twain anything overplayed too much from 98-2010 post 2010 no clue dislike most all except some Lana Del Ray from 2012 she didn't bother me so falls under exception likes of newer stuff. But I will be and always be a 70s 80s and classic rock lover forever was then when it wasn't cool and still am but now it is cool with me but at some point music just became remakes and redox and there are so many millions of good songs and bands that what's on the radio now I avoid if I have the choice...just how I am though.
I really, really, really, hate Peacock by Katy Perry.
My cousins play it like crazy whenever I go visit them, and I'm so tired of having to listen to it
I literally only listen to the radio because the songs are so terrible that it stops me from falling asleep on my commute to work. My friend and I just spend the entire car ride criticising every artist until we reach our destination... we're old farts. Probably the worst I've heard on the radio so far is anything from the chainsmokers (what kind of name is that anyways) and that halsey girl.