• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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my dad is trying to contact me after 17 years.
I'm kinda pissed but I feel bad, I dunno.
tooo many reasons zzz
Depression and anxiety is taking a huge toll on me. There's been a lot of stress from fiances and other things lately that I'm surprised I haven't lost my mind. It's been hell for the past few years and I'm not entirely sure why it hasn't been getting better yet although I keep giving it my all.

my dad is trying to contact me after 17 years.
I'm kinda pissed but I feel bad, I dunno.
tooo many reasons zzz

I understand that feeling. I'm sorry. :(
i could honestly just kill myself right now and seriously no one would notice or care.
i just want to ****ing be done with it.
i could honestly just kill myself right now and seriously no one would notice or care.
i just want to ****ing be done with it.

Oh pls pls pls pls talk to someone. I know it feels like that, but honestly people aren't everything. Do what you love!!! Soon, you'll find that people will want to surround themselves with you.
i could honestly just kill myself right now and seriously no one would notice or care.
i just want to ****ing be done with it.

Don't do it. You need to stay strong.
People would care. You're a beautiful and valuable person inthis world.
Please talk to someone. Talk to a friend, relative, counselor, phone operator, strangers in person or online...
Stay in there... things will get better, I assure you. :(
i need an opportunity to speak to my band director about feminism because im tired of the things he says about girls. like the other day at ban d practice som guys messed up and he called them a "bunch of girls" which isnt even fair because all the girls were doing what they were supposed to do. when me and a few people tried to correc him and tell him that wasnt an insult he was like "what theyre boys and i called them girls???" He completely missed the point. then after a bit he was like "you guys are too politically correct" ughhhh gdi
My mum being sad.
My friend being brokenhearted.
Me being tired.
Social anxiety.

Grateful that I'm surviving, but also knowing I can help these problems get better.
Well I get a severe amount of ignorance thrown in my way, Even when I'm trying to be friendly.

Either that or everyone is now my Senpai.
I have no friends. The things I'm best at are mostly unhelpful and frowned upon. (writing and especially videogames) My anxiety is so bad that I can't drive a car without feeling sick to my stomach. Besides that everything is great! :p
I have no friends. The things I'm best at are mostly unhelpful and frowned upon. (writing and especially videogames) My anxiety is so bad that I can't drive a car without feeling sick to my stomach. Besides that everything is great! :p

Tut tut tut.

Don't be like that. I'm guessing you're in high school, but I could be wrong. Doesn't matter. Plenty of people feel the same way you do, and honey- if writing and playing video games were looked down upon, people would hate books and never pick up a video game ever again.

Writing is not unhelpful. I say this as someone who's literally an English major at their university. We would be nowhere without people to observe the world and write about it- we would be alone if no one chose to write about how they felt- and we would miss so many fantastic things if no one shared their inner world with us.

Even the greats didn't think they were good enough. My favorite writer wanted everything he'd ever written burned after he died because he thought it was worthless. But it's all so, so much more than that. Other people can see things we can't because we're so busy comparing ourselves to other people, but trust me, if you can write well, people will appreciate it and your talents.

/excessive hugging
My inability to overcome procrastination.
My quality of life would be so much better if I stopped putting everything off until the last minute, but I just can't stop.
I'm getting sick and tired of this, man. Stop doing that, it just ticks me off and it's so offensive when you do that.
I don't know quiet little introverted me got to be friends with such outgoing people, but it really hurts to think that I must be such a boring friend for them.
Half the people at my school don't know what it's like to be at the bottom of the barrel when being picked on. Our anti-bullying program is literally bullcrap (I've said that many times), because they never do anything about it. Ignorance, ignorance...
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