• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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Tuesday: someone has been called in the office - my hand really cold and they told me to calm down (I never likegoing to office because its scary as hell)

Friday: Results in team, last week the teacher called me to the office and recommend me to join the club so I sign and shiz. Now I'm in the team and my name was projected in the audi so woow I dunno how I feel since it is my first time joining that club.

Today: Grade results, my parents are away and I don't expect much of my Filipino results (because I'm bad at it) wish me luck. If my grades are higher than last year (I love the results tho) I think I deserve a laptop I guess...
I feel a little put off and lonely but due to my lack of ability to speak up for my self I just stay quiet on the matter. Not to mention my anxiety levels have rose over the past few days, but hey. That's life.

Besides, most are oblivious to how I am feeling most of the time anyway; so good thing I can keep emotions under lock and key or I guess things would be a tad bit worse because I'd drag others into my own mess and neediness.
Tuesday: someone has been called in the office - my hand really cold and they told me to calm down (I never likegoing to office because its scary as hell)

Friday: Results in team, last week the teacher called me to the office and recommend me to join the club so I sign and shiz. Now I'm in the team and my name was projected in the audi so woow I dunno how I feel since it is my first time joining that club.

Today: Grade results, my parents are away and I don't expect much of my Filipino results (because I'm bad at it) wish me luck. If my grades are higher than last year (I love the results tho) I think I deserve a laptop I guess...

Grades are great so w/e
On Sunday I'm starting a new shift at the thrift shop and I don't want to be alone with a bunch of old people that I can't relate to or a bunch of people my age that are all already friends ;-;
My sister took my phone and has friends over. I always feel uncomfortable around most of her friends. Also, one of my old bad habits is starting to become a habit of mine again.
I have a bad headache right now probably from running a 5k during a thunderstorm last night. smh.
I dived in a last attempt to save a goal during hockey a couple days ago and now I have an AstroTurf burn that is a few layers of skin deep and it's oozing random stuff (it's not puss though which is good). Also I'm pretty sure it's not infected but it's early days. It's pretty gross but at least I saved the goal.
my uni still haven't told me whether I have passed into the next year, and freshers week starts on friday.. I KINDA NEED TO KNOW SOON.
I talked to my Dad over the phone today about helping me pay for my university textbooks because he is rich and I am, well, not. And he was like "well I bet you're not going to do any studying this weekend anywayYou don't need your books now." - **** YOU, DAD! YES I WILL BE DOING STUDYING THIS WEEKEND! EVEN THOUGH YOUR WORDS TODAY HAVE CAUSED CRIPPLING TEARS OF ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION AND FEELINGS OF WORTHLESSNESS AND DESPAIR THAT HAVE MADE IT HARD TO STUDY, I STILL WILL STUDY!!!! OMG! :'(
- i am very very sick right now
- i have a sht ton of homework to be done and it's saturday evening and i've done none of it
- i have a presentation on monday and i've done no research
- i literally cannot work on homework because my eyes feel like they're about to pop out of my head
- i cannot walk because my muscles ache so much
- i am extremely exhausted and i've done nothing

hel p
Youtube has been pissing me off so much lately, I swear.....

And my sister took my phone and so much things she's doing to piss me off UGH JUST STOP IT SERIOUSLY
My dog smells faintly of pee but I can't exactly give her a bath yet because she had one last week. I want to take her to the groomers but I don't like leaving here there for hours on end. I need to find a private one that isn't at Petsmart/Petco. *sigh*
I'm tired and cranky--so I guess that's what's bothering me.

Oh, and feeling particularly bored and kinda lonesome.

...god, I'm whiny.
if you tell me you're ready to come in and get your dreamie, don't leave me waiting with my gates open for 2 hours.
it has literally been 2 hours, and you already made me wait 8 hours yesterday.
like, i'm fine for waiting a little while, but don't tell me you're ready when you're not.
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I feel sick to my stomach because I was dumb and ate Chinese food.
Chinese food always makes me feel gross why do I do that.
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