• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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I keep share my minor problems to someone maybe because IIm bored :lemon:

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I want to live somewhere and forget "here" dunno why I think of this and planning to leave this city and never come baxk also I will have to delete some people in my contacts so yeah.

^ problem if you are alone in the dark room :v
Beary wont let me in her rollpay :....((

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Or is it a he
People ignoring my not so good Pixel art and not giving me any tips to improve because they're not Chibis, Hot anime babes or ACNL Mayors.

Seriously people, what the hell?

Or is it a he
I too question where the females are at.
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My car broke down 2 weeks ago and every time they say it's almost out of the shop they find something else wrong with it and keep for another 4 days ):
They don't provide rental cars so I've just been living with no car for 2 weeks and it bloooowwwsss. I can't go anywhere when I want to and I have to ask other people if they can take me places. Which usually doesn't work out cause I'm in college and most people with cars have jobs they need to go to.

I just had one of the best town ideas so far but to make it happen I'd need a third copy.. I made a list of the villagers I'd get and planned what I'd do with each spot and all uugghhh...

a post apocalyptic town woulda been soo coooll ;q;
My parents are psychopaths but I can't leave because there's no way I'd be able to survive being homeless. I wish I had friends.
School tomorrow, usually I try to think of atleast one thing that I look foward to, but I can't think of anything.

Let's see:
period 1- boring (it's math)
period 2- boring + behind on work and I have to turn all my work by this week :( My teacher sucks at explaining and helping, so everyone in my class is forced to copy off each other (because theres only like 4 people who actually know what she's talking about so everyone copies off them.) I now have to rely on google v_v
period 3: ugh, worst class. It's agriculture, had it my freshmen year, worst class in the history of me... It's mostly freshmen so I barely know ANYONE. There's only like 4 other people in my grade (11). Half the class are "popular people" so sometimes they make fun of me for being a loner :( I hate this class, and it's an outdoor class so I sweat....
Period 4- I hate how my period 4 class is far away from my period 3, so it means extra sweating which is emberassing. I think it depends what we're doing in this class to make it fun, atleast my teacher is nice :)
period 5- It's ok, but playing tenor sax is more boring than I thought (jazz band). Idk, I'm slowly getting bored of band...
period 6- It's concert band/symphonic band. The part I like about this is that I have the same classroom and it's air conditioned so I don't have to sweat, it SORT OF makes up for sweating a crap load in period 4. But this class is starting to bore me too, and we have a performance test tommorow and I'm scared of messing up for some reason (even though it's easy, it's just playing the chromatic scale at a certain speed, articulated, and it has to be clean, not bad).

Idk, not looking forward to this school week, I've been really unmotivated lately...
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presentation tomorrow and i've got a grand total of three sentences done.

i hate public speaking stop it teacher
Constantly being reminded of the people who backstab you isn't fun, I wish I could just make them vanish or something

presentation tomorrow and i've got a grand total of three sentences done.

i hate public speaking stop it teacher
I failed my Literacy tests because I refused to do public speakings to the others.
I still don't regret it, I hate being forced to speak out.
I'm making friends at my new school but I'm nervous for tomorrow because I still barely know them and getting to know people is always awkward for me.
I'm making friends at my new school but I'm nervous for tomorrow because I still barely know them and getting to know people is always awkward for me.

Good luck!! I'm sure you'll do great, and hopefully you'll get over that awkward phase soon. That's always the worst part about making new friends, and I don't think you're the only one that feels it.

I'm surprisingly content, even though I've been pretty down this weekend. Hopefully I stay okay for the rest of the week/month.
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