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What's bothering you?

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my eyes hurt so bad. allergies and staring at a computer screen all day is not very good for them.
now i'm tired which makes it worse.
I used to be super shy, and sometimes i am but now after just letting it go.... well now I am out there. i wish you luck in the change. Your perfect anyway but you can be beyond perfect if you want <3
Good for you for getting over your shyness, I'm glad you were able to. And thank you very much I appreciate that.
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"Hi, good morning, how are you?"
"Secretly tired and depressed but hiding it with tacky cheerfulness as usual, you?"
Ah, the things I wish I could say in person.
He told me I was once in a lifetime and now he's treating me like any other person he knows.
I've got to take notes on the first four books of The Odyssey and study for three quizzes tomorrow, and besides doing a bit of the book notes I still need to do all of it. It's 11 PM over here. I wish I didn't procrastinate so often.

High school really makes you go in head first, I feel like I've been having countless quiz after quiz. ;-;
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You guys are the best.
I ended up going out and yeah, I ate. My mum always taught me it's kind of tacky/weird if people eat and you just sit there, so I got something small and cheap. I indulged a bit with a milkshake, only because I remembered to take my lactose pills. It was good. I had fun with my friends and I came home to my mum apologizing for taking the stress of her health scare out on me. I know she means well. But she just doesn't get my issues with food and weight. I welcomed the apology though. I'm home too late to work out, but I walk around a lot at school on Tuesdays so at least I'll get that exercise.

Seriously, I teared up reading some of your responses. Thank you for always being so lovely and kind and ugh, I just appreciate ya'll so much.

Only downside tonight is my stomach hurts a bit and my pelvis is throbbing, but I can deal. :)
You guys are the best.
I ended up going out and yeah, I ate. My mum always taught me it's kind of tacky/weird if people eat and you just sit there, so I got something small and cheap. I indulged a bit with a milkshake, only because I remembered to take my lactose pills. It was good. I had fun with my friends and I came home to my mum apologizing for taking the stress of her health scare out on me. I know she means well. But she just doesn't get my issues with food and weight. I welcomed the apology though. I'm home too late to work out, but I walk around a lot at school on Tuesdays so at least I'll get that exercise.

Seriously, I teared up reading some of your responses. Thank you for always being so lovely and kind and ugh, I just appreciate ya'll so much.

Only downside tonight is my stomach hurts a bit and my pelvis is throbbing, but I can deal. :)

I am glad everything worked out my dear, if you ever need to talk PM me
I really want a milkshake now lol.

Whatever.. I have a lot of things bothering me right now. Lots of small things people will probably find trivial, but I need to get it out somewhere.

One of the things I hate are when people make me think something is okay to do, only to find out later that it isn't. I'm not going to completely explain that situation but some of you have probably been there before. AKA, going out with a bunch of your friends when your partner said it's okay, but then they're angry when you get home and say it's not okay to go out. Like please don't do this to people. These fights are just meaningless. I lost a friend over my ex's jealousy, however his jealousy cannot be blamed for a reason I will not say.

Another thing is that I'm always extremely tired lately, physically and mentally. I don't go to bed super early because my long distance ex, who's relationship we're trying to rebuild, get's home about an hour and a half from my old bed time, 10:30. I usually end up staying up until about 1:30 am nowadays and I'm always tired and have to get up at 6:10 in the morning. I also like to enjoy the free time I have after school, it's something I cherish. I love when him and I talk. However, I usually end up falling asleep before my bedtime for hours. This means that homework doesn't get done and if it does, it's done really late or not at all. But what can I do..? I just have to make it through my last year of high school. I have 2 huge papers in school right now and I'm really feeling the senior stress.

Jealousy and possessiveness is going to ruin me. I'm extremely territorial of my love and it's gotten so much worse. He feels suffocated by me, I can feel. He's pretty possessive as well, but I'm at a new level. So many girls at his college have tried talking to him and getting with him, so two girls asking as much as to sit with him at a table when there's no tables drove me crazy. Didn't make it better that he lied about it and said the girls looking at him tried nothing or said nothing even suggestive or harmful.

- - - Post Merge - - -

and for the record the above scenario with friends was not my situation, I don't have real life friends.
I am so unmotivated to do anything :|

Same here ?-?


The laundry still hasn't been done, it's been almost 2 weeks. If the laundry isn't done by tomorrow I won't be going to school. We all have certain chores in our house and the laundry isn't mine (but that doesn't mean I can't help.) They just don't care I guess

I'm so sick of people mocking me when I'm in a bad mood or pointing out that I'm in a bad mood. It hurts. How would YOU feel if I teased you when ever you're sad or mad? I don't get why people think it's funny, it's not.

I feel like I've been posting here a lot. :/ I guess I'm having a lot of problems lately lol
I used to have 5 stars then someone beat me down to 2-3.... I dont know why, is it because my art is bad idk :p After 2 months it is back to 4 stars

mine too x'D
whoever 4-starred u better hope i don't find them :u

I don't even know why people down vote it ;n; like it's not as if I've received any negative feedback. If they had some criticism I would've liked to hear it ;n;
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