• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's bothering you?

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Ya, he's not gonna text me back when he said that he wanted to talk and try to be friends. I feel like I'm just making wasted effort.
I feel really lonely and isolated. Email is the worst because it has read receipts. I know the person has read it and they never respond. Like with my professors. I am really invested in my studies. I email them a question, or an insightful query, or a comment, or an email to book an appointment to discuss something and they never get back to me. I feel ever so alone.

My birthday is officially today - yay? - but I have no money to celebrate with and no plans to meet up with friends. I am having a party in ACNL because I am that big a nerd and it doesn't cost anything, instead of hanging out with my "real" friends. I play online with people I met on TBT. Because you guys are awesome. I have even put together TONS of party favours.

Normally people who turn 24 go to dinner or go clubbing or SOMETHING. I am going to class then staying at home playing Animal Crossing. No cake either. :( I'm broke...... So ACNL it is! Which isn't all bad. But not the most remarkable birthday I have ever had.
Ugh I don't know my friend is upset or mad idkkkk but she just said something like she's just giving up?? I'm so confused but really worried about her and I just hope she's ok but she won't respond to any of my messages
Value the time you have to offer and if other people won't value that then they're not worth it :>
I know ;^; I'm just holding on because I want this to work but I feel so unimportant but tbh idk if he's busy or if my message are sending but I have service here and he said he would talk to me today. Ugh...
So, I had a callback last night and it didn't go as well I wanted it to. The director only let me read twice, and one of those was for the part I really wanted, but I only got 3 lines. After that they did a scene for the same character but with more lines, but I guess I didn't do well enough the first time cause they didn't let me read for that character again. I honestly don't think I'm being considered for any part, and since this isn't the main stage version of the show there's not any ensemble parts. I'm pissed because this is my first callback after auditioning 4 other different times and getting nothing, I'm still not getting a part. A callback is nice and all, but the higher you rise the further you fall I guess. Of course I'm going to be auditioning for other things this season but I'm still really dissapointed.
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Annoying boy in my next period class loves to creep on girls when he has a girlfriend. He talks constantly.
Someone on Reddit was giving Beau up for free. Unfortunately mine and my daughter's DS got hit with some error and couldn't connect to his town. He ended up voiding Beau instead. :(
"You make me feel ugly."
"You don't even try to dress nice."

Thanks, mom. For once again, making me feel ugly and stupid and fat because I don't try hard enough to look nice when I go to school. I don't have a lot of clothes to look nice. The clothes I do have reek from our crappy washer/dryer so even if I did look nice, I would smell like dirty water, no matter how clean I actually am. "Your hair is ugly and makes you look old." It's getting cut off this weekend; no more ugly mermaid hair. It's not like it's the only attribute of mine I even like. It's embarrassing to run dryer sheets and spray Febreeze to smell nice when it's not you. You buy all this name brand crap for my brother and I'm wearing pants from the Dollar General and hand-me-up shirts from my bigger than me cousins that you think would "suit" me. I look stupid in these huge ass shorts you picked out for me and I hope someone says something about it so you feel how I feel. I don't have a lot to work with. You make fun of me every day and I'm not coming home.
i've missed the past two days of school.. i'm not prepared for the hell storm my teachers are going to be throwing at me tomorrow.
I bought a package of moldy mini donuts from the school cafe without knowing; I ate one, realized what was wrong once my mouth went numb and I could taste that something was bad, got a refund, and now I feel sick. Not over-dramatic trying to get attention/lawsuit sick. But sick nonetheless.

The boyfriend is sick. He's failing his college classes. He really hates school. I keep trying to tell him it doesn't matter if he fails, but it bothers him, understandably so. I just don't know how to help him feel like he's accomplished something. He's young, and he's got time to figure everything out. I just wish I could show him that. He feels helpless, and his teacher told him to drop a class he's failing, and recently his dog died. I wish I could hug him, but he's 800 miles away. He says me being here is enough for him. But I just...I wish I could do more for him.\

Also this ******* at work is....he calls me cute and it makes me feel gross and I've started talking less to him, but now he stares at me while I work. Gross.
I have a test in a few hours and my study guide is online through my college's website. I wanted to get in some studying before hand but the site is having errors and not letting me in -.- I hate when this happens

The boyfriend is sick. He's failing his college classes. He really hates school. I keep trying to tell him it doesn't matter if he fails, but it bothers him, understandably so. I just don't know how to help him feel like he's accomplished something. He's young, and he's got time to figure everything out. I just wish I could show him that. He feels helpless, and his teacher told him to drop a class he's failing, and recently his dog died. I wish I could hug him, but he's 800 miles away. He says me being here is enough for him. But I just...I wish I could do more for him.\

Also this ******* at work is....he calls me cute and it makes me feel gross and I've started talking less to him, but now he stares at me while I work. Gross.

Wow, you remind me of me and my gf. She lives 3000 miles away tho
Its beginning to bother me more and more when I see people talk about wanting to control people. It just strikes such a nerve in me because I feel very controlled and I already cant do much in my life and seeing people talk about wanting others to be more controlled just makes no sense to me and I just want to tell them to stop. It makes me so anxious and angry.
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