What's bothering you?

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The month long (has it been more? Whatever.) warpath that my ovaries/uterus is on is basically awful. It stopped, but as soon as I get stressed out or get up too fast, boom, the pain/blood is back. I'm so tired and cold... And I keep googling what's wrong and its making me even mlre stressed out.If it's my PCOS, great. But the other stuff sounds horrible. I need to go to ER/doctor immediately, according to every article, but who's gonna take me?

Also my parents locked my screaming cat in my room because they "can't take it."
This is the first hours of sleep (2 in total) in months that have actually made me feel rested and now I have to listen to my cat scratch/yowl until 4:30, when my ass has to get up and feed her and the dog. My dad put them on this stupid early schedule, not me.
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I'm never gonna get my homework completed. I always fall asleep when I try to finish it. /:
My Mother's funeral is next Friday, just trying to think of something really sweet to say about her.
Thanks for the messages! I'm still fuzzled because I don't wanna be boring and just say "She was a great mother" y'know? I wanna be creative and say something directly from my heart.

She can never be replaced, that's one thing :U
The month long (has it been more? Whatever.) warpath that my ovaries/uterus is on is basically awful. It stopped, but as soon as I get stressed out or get up too fast, boom, the pain/blood is back. I'm so tired and cold... And I keep googling what's wrong and its making me even mlre stressed out.If it's my PCOS, great. But the other stuff sounds horrible. I need to go to ER/doctor immediately, according to every article, but who's gonna take me?

Don't stress, it's only going to make it worse. D:

When I was 16, I had one that lasted for TEN WEEKS. 2 and a half months. Incredibly heavy and painful the whole time. I was throwing up, I couldn't get out of bed most of the time; my parents were bringing me food like room service. Sometimes, the **** just hits the fan and your ovaries try to kill you. Don't panic, don't worry; it can be completely normal to last that long. It happens, it's going to be irregular especially if you're under 25.

Just gotta be patient and eat lots of red meat for the iron (or, ya know, iron supplements if you're a veggie). I know you know this, but seriously try to relax. Stress is only going to make it worse.
What bothers me? Well, I have midterms this week and next week. In addition, I have to work 30+ hours. I guess that's life... I told my boss I can't do 30+ hours and school. Well... I'm killing myself this semester because I'm currently failing all my classes. I'm hoping that I can do well on my midterm so I can raise my grade up so I can be stress-free again lol.

EDIT: And time is going by so fast this semesters. It seems like there isn't time for anything such as hanging out or video games...
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My mother and father's constant bickering over dumb stuff. about two weeks ago i was hunting with my father. later that night when we came home tired, i showered and went straight to bed. the next night, i find a deer tick burrowed into my left arm, although it was dead (assuming from the anti-tick spray we apply to our gear.) so i tell my Dad that there's a tick on me and he helps pull it out with tweezers, and sends it to get analyzed for Lyme Disease.

Results came in three days ago on Monday, and it was positive for Lyme. and for the past three days, my mother and father would not stop for the love of god having back and forth arguments about how it's my father's fault that i possibly have Lyme, and how all he thinks about is hunting and his own satisfaction and doesn't care about the family. She even said "if our son dies, i will leave you and never forgive you." I know she's my mother and cares for me but Jesus. Christ. Every time i tried to butt in tp get them to stop, they would tell me to stay out of it.

It wasn't until tonight where i got them to shut it and say "Can someone please make an appointment for the clinic already?"
The cold here. That's one down-thing living in an apartment you can't control the heat yourself other than dressing warm. But once it gets cold here it gets really cold so you have to wrap yourself up in everything :/
And Steam because I had to copy-paste my phone number and post code to make a purchase, Steam refused to put it in manually by typing... Hm.
And Steam because I had to copy-paste my phone number and post code to make a purchase, Steam refused to put it in manually by typing... Hm.

Steam's drunk.

It seems to have removed my Hidden category, and it keeps gracing me with recommendations like this.


Right, yeah. Medieval Roadside Assistance.


Steam's got some issues to work through, ya know?
Steam's drunk.

It seems to have removed my Hidden category, and it keeps gracing me with recommendations like this.

View attachment 73543

Right, yeah. Medieval Roadside Assistance.


Steam's got some issues to work through, ya know?
Yeah good thing I managed to C+P my stuff into if but still yeah get sober Steam.

God I hate the new layout, curators and rec's so much. Steam please go fart yourself.
I am so cold. All 8 of us in my house are walking around with jumpers and hoodies and duvets, but we still won't put the heating on. Ok I know we're poor, but it's getting ridiculous now. I am wearing gloves inside. I have Raynaud's so my peripheral circulation is poor. My curtains are going mouldy and my guitar's neck is bending from the cold.

Yeah good thing I managed to C+P my stuff into if but still yeah get sober Steam.

God I hate the new layout, curators and rec's so much. Steam please go fart yourself.

Ohgod, I hated it, too. I couldn't stand it. It was way too blue and there was a giant mess of crap in the middle of the screen.

So now mine looks like this <3 Changed it up on the first day they released the blue thing.

I wish the actual app could look like this, though I only really use that for my library anyway. So having it look clean and simple on Firefox was good enough for me!
Yeah I mean I don't care about your curators or rec's I know what I want thank you.
I am so cold. All 8 of us in my house are walking around with jumpers and hoodies and duvets, but we still won't put the heating on. Ok I know we're poor, but it's getting ridiculous now. I am wearing gloves inside. I have Raynaud's so my peripheral circulation is poor. My curtains are going mouldy and my guitar's neck is bending from the cold.



I'll overnight some electric blankets. Those take less power than a full-blown heater.
Please add mouse support to Binding of Isaac Rebirth now pl0z

do i want to buy rebirth now or wait for sales...........BibleThump

- - - Post Merge - - -

I am so cold. All 8 of us in my house are walking around with jumpers and hoodies and duvets, but we still won't put the heating on. Ok I know we're poor, but it's getting ridiculous now. I am wearing gloves inside. I have Raynaud's so my peripheral circulation is poor. My curtains are going mouldy and my guitar's neck is bending from the cold.


i wish i had ur housemates, mine would keep the heating on all the time
do i want to buy rebirth now or wait for sales...........BibleThump

It is a good game but wait for sale unless you have a controller or has mad keyboardsor skeelz. I use a controller since it's way much easier and at the current state grind the original or buy our darker purpose it's a unplayable lol.
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I bought binding of isaac played it twice went meh I like watching playthroughs more.. I kinda wanna buy the rebirth one now even though I know I wont play it much but dammit is it purrddy. I need to find more rebirth lps.
It is a good game but wait for sale unless you have a controller or has mad keyboardsor skeelz. I use a controller since it's way much easier and at the current state grind the original or buy our darker purpose it's a unplayable lol.

yeah i have an xbone controller for pc, it's a necessity for highly competitive games like nidhogg
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