What's bothering you?

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I bought binding of isaac played it twice went meh I like watching playthroughs more.. I kinda wanna buy the rebirth one now even though I know I wont play it much but dammit is it purrddy. I need to find more rebirth lps.

Get a controller if you are gonna buy it unless you have one.

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yeah i have an xbone controller for pc, it's a necessity for highly competitive games like nidhogg

Yeah, good. Then go ahead and buy it but yeah wouldn't recommend anyone without one to buy it now unless they add mouse support again
is keyboard really bad for it? because i found i suck at the original, furthest i got was the 5th "level"
is keyboard really bad for it? because i found i suck at the original, furthest i got was the 5th "level"

Well in the original you can shoot with your mouse, I guess you knew already but here you can't which makes the game pretty bad unless you have really good skills, therefore I recommend a controller in some way.
I don't really feel good (constantly feeling like throwing up) and I got the bloody visitor, and will have it on my birthday :/
And apparently I might have anemia, which is why I've been constantly tired since the 6th grade.
Well in the original you can shoot with your mouse, I guess you knew already but here you can't which makes the game pretty bad unless you have really good skills, therefore I recommend a controller in some way.

WAT REALLY? I was using WASD and UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT all the time in the original
When you shoot with the mouse, is it still only in the four main directions, or can you fine tune the direction of your shot?
When you shoot with the mouse, is it still only in the four main directions, or can you fine tune the direction of your shot?

you shoot in the direction you are walking. so if you hold w and shoot you shoot up etc. but yeah it's way easier than managing the arrow keys tbh.
WAT REALLY? I was using WASD and UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT all the time in the original
I never had a problem with WASD UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT myself.. tbh I think I'd prefer it over mouse

Shovel knight is out on 3ds and i aint got dosh shiittt.
I never had a problem with WASD UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT myself.. tbh I think I'd prefer it over mouse

Shovel knight is out on 3ds and i aint got dosh shiittt.
i do because i hate manage two button sets at once lel. glad i had a controller for rebirth
Politics are bothering me.
Discussing politics on a gaming forum is like discussing haute cuisine at McDonalds.
Politics are bothering me.
Discussing politics on a gaming forum is like discussing haute cuisine at McDonalds.

The latter is acceptable, though.

Because you'd, hopefully, be leaving McDonald's to eat real food. Food that doesn't sit in your stomach like a rock.
Hahaha true true.

Why shouldn't it be able to discuss here. It's not neopets or a Disney fan club.
The latter is acceptable, though.

Because you'd, hopefully, be leaving McDonald's to eat real food. Food that doesn't sit in your stomach like a rock.

Ah, thats a good point.

Now see? Comparing good comparisons is a nice example of a good topic for a gaming forum.

Still, when I`m eating a hamburger with one slice of pickle and a little ketchup, I don`t want to hear anything about fine dining. I used to eat my tv dinner while watching Gordon Ramsay, I can`t recommend it. :p

I feel for a valuable discussion about politics, you need a certain amount of basic knowledge.
I mean, you don`t discuss your favourite computer game with your grandmother either right?
Unless she is one groovy granny ofcourse.....
The latter is acceptable, though.

Because you'd, hopefully, be leaving McDonald's to eat real food. Food that doesn't sit in your stomach like a rock.

excuse u i LOVE MCDONALDS and i have fast metabolism so ill eat all the nuggets i want
i once ate a large fry all by myself in two minutes

Ha, I can discuss games with my grandma. Not that she likes playing them but eh.

only person i talk to about games is my older brother. mostly kingdom hearts/pokemon/sm4sh/etc etc
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Ah, thats a good point.

Now see? Comparing good comparisons is a nice example of a good topic for a gaming forum.

Still, when I`m eating a hamburger with one slice of pickle and a little ketchup, I don`t want to hear anything about fine dining. I used to eat my tv dinner while watching Gordon Ramsay, I can`t recommend it. :p

I feel for a valuable discussion about politics, you need a certain amount of basic knowledge.
I mean, you don`t discuss your favourite computer game with your grandmother either right?
Unless she is one groovy granny ofcourse.....

I usually enjoy 'bad' food while sitting at my computer desk. It feels "wrong" eating fast food or a TV dinner at a proper table, or something. I'll just shovel food in my face while I watch LPs on youtube. :v
So, no, I understand where you're coming from, haha.

And dude, my grandmother had introduced me to some PC games, lol. :p

excuse u i LOVE MCDONALDS and i have fast metabolism so ill eat all the nuggets i want
i once ate a large fry all by myself in two minutes

LOL. I knew this was going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I love their bacon, egg, and cheese bagel breakfast things. omg. But it doesn't make my tummy feel too great.

I love fast food, too, dude. I ALSO POSSESS AN ABNORMALLY FAST METABOLISM. So I eat and eat.. and lose weight. D:


This is the best page number I've been a part of and we're about to lose it to fast food. ;-;
That. Is what's bothering me, thread.
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Mine was all about applepie baking & like a true old fashioned grandmother she is taking her special recipe to her grave.

I remember the days spying in the kitchen for my mom to find out the ingredients, only to get broomed out of the kitchen. :D

*I may have underestimated the hipness of TBT-grandmothers.
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yeah i can eat a lot too but i almost never gain weight. and no i dont have worms or something
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