What's bothering you?

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my mouth still hurts, i still cant eat, i still cant talk and ive upset myself by thinking about robbie and how he screwed me over and also by thinking about oliver and how much i miss him and want to see him again and pick up where we left off and aw man i just want my best friend back
also this is my last night at home until christmas which is really really crap
rip how to get grades up thread
11/9 @ 6:05 pm - 11/9 @ 8:51 pm


you will be missed
OK so I just downloaded 9 new songs off of iTunes, and I was about to sync them onto my iPod, but now my iPod's frozen and I have to wait hours until I can sync it on. GREAT.
i really hate when i get that sudden ephiphany that my life sucks and living it is meaningless because i will die
I missed one of the best threads ever while taking a shower. Why can't I have nice things.
Whoa, this thread was just closed?
Whatever is happening in Brewster's Cafe right now is what's bothering me...
A lot of people got banned because of the ridiculousness that went down in that thread.
All I did was math and just a little spam, so I hope I'm okay.
Hasn't this thread been moved before, or am I just remembering the other time it got locked?

It bothers me that this thread is in the basement now.
These little reappearing grease spots on my glasses.

I feel like there are ghosts with greasy little fingers touching my glasses every 15 seconds to mess with me.
I'm actually shocked to see what happened in Brewster's Cafe. I thought it was this thread, but I saw the story. But I'm still shocked.
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