What's bothering you?

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It bothers me that this thread is in the basement now.

It has simply become a chat thread just like the Post Your Random Thoughts thread did. It was moved here to stop people accumulating bells from just general chatter (e.g. the General Discussion thread is also in this board).
It has simply become a chat thread just like the Post Your Random Thoughts thread did. It was moved here to stop people accumulating bells from just general chatter (e.g. the General Discussion thread is also in this board).

I know. This thread always goes off-topic eventually, which is unfortunate. I guess in the middle of all the other spam, this thread just got caught up in it.
It has simply become a chat thread just like the Post Your Random Thoughts thread did. It was moved here to stop people accumulating bells from just general chatter (e.g. the General Discussion thread is also in this board).

Now that's genius! I want TBT Bells, but I want to obtain them correctly. I don't want them from spamming or selling conflicting items. Thank you very much.
The fact that the Brewster's Cafe thread exploded like a hour ago.

Did I miss something here or.....?
i really hate when i get that sudden ephiphany that my life sucks and living it is meaningless because i will die
god the feeling is still there and i wanna slink down and cry but i dont have the will to do anything
god the feeling is still there and i wanna slink down and cry but i dont have the will to do anything

Just take a deep breath remember everything is just fine, your lovely and fabulous, life is amazing even if it is harsh at times
god the feeling is still there and i wanna slink down and cry but i dont have the will to do anything

Spark, you are awesome and special. And you like Space Dandy, and Space Dandy has a thematic statement about existentialism in it! And that statement is... "Who cares, baby~?" It's all meaningless, but it's also significant. Life is what it is. We cannot change it. Everything of significance and nothing of significance happens in Space Dandy, but the end isn't the point. That's why the end /end/ didn't piss people off. It's just like life: it's not the destination. It's the journey.
Make yourself happy. Exist for spark, and not for some grand scheme or reason. Cells and atoms live for each other. They have no purpose but to give each other purpose.

This post had no clarity and was super pretentious... I'm sorry.
Fighting with my boyfriend.
Broke my phone case from throwing it so hard and I busted my lip somehow.
It's always my fault.
My grammy is coming over and I have a migrane,plus kpop ain't appealing me tonight qq
Feeling a bit anxious I`m going to implode tomorrow (again) and will risk my friendship (again) with a valuable friend.
I have a passive-agressive side in me which doesn`t make me look good.
When I am open about what I feel I can prevent it from showing up, but it tends to flood the people around me when I do.

I can decide not to go to the jubilee, but then nothing will ever change and I`d just be avoiding again.

I`m not sure I can be strong enough, emotion builds up ultrafast with me.

My inability when it comes to friendship is the real botherneck (see what I did there? botherneck, like bottleneck? Ugh never mind).
one of my friends who has/had a crush on me is acting really mad because i don't want to see a movie with them.
no you're just a prick.
Not pointing fingers since I haven't seen it happen here too much but I absolutely despise the people who cuddle up to the staff, then do whatever the hell they want after, and don't get banned.
Just 'cus you've weaselled your way into a somewhat higher class, doesn't make you invincible :/

- - - Post Merge - - -

Prolly gonna get banned now :(
My appointment for registering for classes next semester was scheduled for November 10th at 3pm. I MADE A MENTAL NOTE OF IT when I checked within the first couple of days.

So I go on tonight, as picking my classes closer to the date ensures that I won't have to change it around too much by my actual appointment (classes fill up really quickly at my uni), and SURPRISE, they had changed the date to November 5th without alerting me. I'm now waitlisted for arguably my most important/needed class next semester. My university is SO organized.
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