What's bothering you?

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I might be having the flu/getting sick.

Also, I feel like a creep since I've been lurking the forums for the past few hours and I haven't posted anything.
Its almost 3 am and I am watching anime.... shouldn't I be doing something more useful?

Yeah! 3:15AM and crying... I don't know why I had to just watch the saddest episodes of anime I know and just start crying. Is what is depicted as pure sorrow the only way for me to show any emotion other then happiness... My emotions continue to confuse me and all I want to know is how to stop the tears from flowing.
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My friends never read the books in English because of how "busy" they are.

I don't really care if they don't read, but I hate how one of them always asks me what's going on in the book so she can look like she's read on our discussion posts. I'm not your personal sparknotes.
The crazy banfest and I missed it :(

Lol when Im online in undercover tbt I saw tons of light blue (light brown if colorful bg) I was like what the frick happen here.

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At school around 4 I wanna know what happen
When people put no low offers on their selling threads and people proceed to be like "I know you said no low offers but..."

Like no. Stop.
The upgrading of internet here. It's not like it was necessary in the first since it's still the same speed and price lmfao
I might be having the flu/getting sick.

Also, I feel like a creep since I've been lurking the forums for the past few hours and I haven't posted anything.

flu buddies.
i'm pretty sure i've got it and it's whipping my booty. i'm worried he school is going to expel me since this would be my sixth unexcused absence.
Journalists who are politically correct and is chicken enough to not to say what they really think. That's like the opposite of journalism meaning democracy.

Also before anyone go on ranting in countries where you cannot do that. I am very well aware. But the sum here is people go on defending the obvious even if they don't think so at all when they actually have the freedom of expression.
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the fact that only one of my friends cared when i ended up having an anxiety attack the other night. the other two friends i told couldn't make the time for me and i really needed it, and they couldn't even have the decency to ask me if i was okay the next day, like what the hell... sure feels great knowing i'm not cared about.
My cat won't stop following me everywhere I go. I pet her, feed her, and play with her but it only seems to make the problem worse. Love her to death but she's really invading my privacy. DX
I accidentally sold the golden axe my friend let me use to shape up my new town x-x ****
Shooting pain in my waist and back. It's never been this bad but it's my first real period since my birth control wore off.
Not pointing fingers since I haven't seen it happen here too much but I absolutely despise the people who cuddle up to the staff, then do whatever the hell they want after, and don't get banned.
Just 'cus you've weaselled your way into a somewhat higher class, doesn't make you invincible :/

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Prolly gonna get banned now :(
tru dat

There's also several groups on TBT where they're just kissing each other's asses a whole lot. I don't care about belonging in one of those groups (or any groups for that matter) just so I can get some respect or feel like I have friends or whatever their reasoning may be. I'm just gonna do my own thing here and whether or not people like that is none of my concern.
tru dat

There's also several groups on TBT where they're just kissing each other's asses a whole lot. I don't care about belonging in one of those groups (or any groups for that matter) just so I can get some respect or feel like I have friends or whatever their reasoning may be. I'm just gonna do my own thing here and whether or not people like that is none of my concern.

Amen to both you and starlark here. Those inner circles just want me to hit people for it -_-
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