What's bothering you?

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My body hurts from being so tense so much, and I keep clenching my teeth so hard that I get headaches, and my legs hurt from standing for 5 hours straight yesterday. ;~;
400 lol

i dont want it to be like im advertising here but its kinda what it looks like but w/e i honestly am just rly impatient
yeah i never set alarm when im free unless i actually have an important thing to do but yea sucks when you wake up at 12 lol

I had plans and I have chores and HW to do.... forget plans now boring things all day

- - - Post Merge - - -

400 lol

i dont want it to be like im advertising here but its kinda what it looks like but w/e i honestly am just rly impatient

400 tbt! That is steep, maybe lower the price a little bit, not like drop to 100 but you know make it look like a better deal, 375 or so could look better
Not really that steep when other Tier 1s are going for like 600.

I just posted it anyways, someone was interested in her earlier but they're offline

i just wanna sell my other ones :x
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Aaah, Bach.

Well I see then it's another thing. Well not that I set alarms for hw's but..yeah

I just wanted to wake up by 9am not 12:30 pm

- - - Post Merge - - -

Not really that steep when other Tier 1s are going for like 600.

I just posted it anyways, someone was interested in her earlier but they're offline

i just wanna sell my other ones :x

lol personally it is steep but hey, a buyer is a buyer
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