What's bothering you?

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you know you’re stressed for your cardiology exam when you despair at how little you know and then you start getting heart palpitations and start laughing hysterically at how relevant that is and get out your stethoscope to listen to your own heart, then dissolve into a heap of tears and self-hatred because you don’t even know how to listen to a heart omg
The fact that I don't have alcohol right now! LOL kidding, but, kind of not...lol.
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My uncle couldn't be bothered to go look at the car I liked last weekend, we planned to go this Saturday but I figured it would be sold by then. The ad is now gone so I'm assuming it is.

I'm just really frustrated and disgusted with looking. I know nothing about cars so I have to rely on other people to come with me, and shocker, they keep ****ing me around.

I'm at work and I'm just trying to get through the night without crying in front of a bunch of people.
One of my art programs stopped working; it just crashes upon startup. I spent 2 hours last night trying to fix it and failed - now I still can't fix it.
The whole week I've checked the fridge daily just to go ''lololol nothing here time to make noodles'' I've gone through 26 packs or so in 5 days please feed me something ffs.
Also my dad brought home a restaurant pizza even though I've told him many many times that the only kind of pizza I'm willing to eat is shop pizza. The restaurant pizza gets cold quick, has all the stuff in it I hate and is so greasy and big it makes me puke. It also feels uncooked at points and I really don't see anything good about it. It is ****ing disgusting. And now theyre both shouting at me downstairs ''come get the ****ing pizza there's nothing wrong with it it has good chicken on it'' Well **** you those are your preferences and I do not like thick ass pieces of chicken on my pizza ffs. Is it really that hard to remember that I ****ing despise meat on my pizza like please for the love of get me a tuna/vegetable pizza??? Also lat time i told him i wanted a vegetable pizza and he went full vegan pizza and it had all the gross **** like fake meat and **** ffs just give up dad
I just had suicidal thoughts.
This really isn't good because I've never had these before..

I feel like legit trash to my family, I bet they feel like I'm legit trash too.

My Dad's been constantly picking on me for minor things and threatened to turn off the wifi because I accidentally threw a can of Ravioli in the bin instead of the recycling bin, we only started that stuff today but he's acted like we've done it for a month.

Now my Dad's shouting at me like pure trash because I rose my voice a little too high when telling my little brother to stop misbehaving, he took it the wrong way and proceeded to stomp upstairs raging as hard as he could calling me a Bully and if I am to raise my voice at my brother again, He said he'll beat me.

My older brother is also calling me a lazy piece of **** because I've been trying to look for another support group for work experience and such, I haven't been constantly looking for one because I'm still waiting for a message from my older support worker because she might be able to help me out on getting on a similar/same course as I was before, But my brother said that's not good enough and that I should be ashamed of how I am.
I just...I dunno, I'm messed in the skull right now, I'm not asking for any help either because I don't think these thoughts are going to go anytime soon until I feel like they can even accept me as a person.
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I went to my doctors appointment and they gave me 3 shots at the exact same time and then I passed out.

Now I have to go back in January and in May for three more shots & schedule appointments with a dermatologist and a urologist and I just want to stop.
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