What's bothering you?

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Right now?
Ummm well... My daughter is always growing and becoming more mobile and so she's practically bouncing off the walls and touching everything she's not supposed to... The weather's been getting to me since it suddenly changed from fall to winter.. And living in Minnesota, winter's basically our longest season. I feel like I was vacationing somewhere and just came back home. Like this place is always snowy, cold, icy doodoo. :c Alsoo I've been getting sick of my mayor's house. I gotta change stuff around, but my happy home academy houses are not good places to order from and I don't have any tbt and most people are asking for MILLIONS of bells for all sortsa stuff and I worry that I don't have the resources to thrive in this community... In my game, etc.
My boyfriend and I are doing well, but we're not in the greatest situation, either.
Everything kinda bothers me right now, idk.
I wish I had more friends on this site.

I feel you on the weather thing and the kid thing even though I don't have kids, I just remember that from when my nieces/nephew were turning from immobile babies into toddlers that wanted to grab everything. haha
As for your bell situation you could actually get quite a lot of AC bells for your 400 tbt, if you put it up for sale in the marketplace. Alternatively, you could also buy AC items for your tbt. :> Depending on what sorts of items you're looking for I might even be able to hook you up since I hardly play lately, just message me if you want.
this thread looks nice in basement
My cousin died in a car accident two nights ago. My whole family is shaken up and I've been feeling numb. He was very young and going through a hard time in his life... and he was the passenger on his way to see a concert. He didn't need to die. He didn't even die on his own terms. He was in the car with his best friend who was driving and his ex-girlfriend (who was cheating and abusing him). Both walked away from the scene, but he most likely died on impact. What's bothering me is that... I haven't seen that side of the family since I was a little kid. I wasn't even the same person that I am today (being 20 years old now).

... Two years ago, I called his sister who just gave birth to her daughter to congratulate her. She was a first time mother and it was important that I would send my best wishes and love, but it went straight to voice mail. It ended up being her brother's phone (he passed the message)... he was so excited to hear my voice after all those years and he wanted to meet up somewhere with me since I was staying with a relative who lived in the same town as them... but I never called back. My depression was worse than it ever was back then and I didn't want to talk to anyone except for my girlfriend... now I'm regretting my decision so much that it hurts.
thats lewd


- - - Post Merge - - -

My cousin died in a car accident two nights ago. My whole family is shaken up and I've been feeling numb. He was very young and going through a hard time in his life... and he was the passenger on his way to see a concert. He didn't need to die. He didn't even die on his own terms. He was in the car with his best friend who was driving and his ex-girlfriend (who was cheating and abusing him). Both walked away from the scene, but he most likely died on impact. What's bothering me is that... I haven't seen that side of the family since I was a little kid. I wasn't even the same person that I am today (being 20 years old now).

... Two years ago, I called his sister who just gave birth to her daughter to congratulate her. She was a first time mother and it was important that I would send my best wishes and love, but it went straight to voice mail. It ended up being her brother's phone (he passed the message)... he was so excited to hear my voice after all those years and he wanted to meet up somewhere with me since I was staying with a relative who lived in the same town as them... but I never called back. My depression was worse than it ever was back then and I didn't want to talk to anyone except for my girlfriend... now I'm regretting my decision so much that it hurts.

im sorry for your loss, i hope you all recover soon.
Ah, it's late and I still have so much work to do. I have school in the morning then I have to work from 4 - 10. Not a easy day but I'm sure I'll be fine. It just bothers me that I have to go to school then work. It's gonna be a tiring day for me. Lol. No time for gaming or anything like that... :[
My cousin died in a car accident two nights ago. My whole family is shaken up and I've been feeling numb. He was very young and going through a hard time in his life... and he was the passenger on his way to see a concert. He didn't need to die. He didn't even die on his own terms. He was in the car with his best friend who was driving and his ex-girlfriend (who was cheating and abusing him). Both walked away from the scene, but he most likely died on impact. What's bothering me is that... I haven't seen that side of the family since I was a little kid. I wasn't even the same person that I am today (being 20 years old now).

... Two years ago, I called his sister who just gave birth to her daughter to congratulate her. She was a first time mother and it was important that I would send my best wishes and love, but it went straight to voice mail. It ended up being her brother's phone (he passed the message)... he was so excited to hear my voice after all those years and he wanted to meet up somewhere with me since I was staying with a relative who lived in the same town as them... but I never called back. My depression was worse than it ever was back then and I didn't want to talk to anyone except for my girlfriend... now I'm regretting my decision so much that it hurts.

the wrong people die all the time, sorry for your loss
my rOCD is slowly chewing my relationship apart
i told him that he couldn't handle what compulsive thoughts spewed out of me, and i was right
he crumbled and so did i, and now i just feel numb. i love him so much yet this numbness still continues because of how my mental illness has torn us apart.
i want to get help- i know i'm the problem, but he won't let me because he think he's the problem.

i hate everything and myself and its getting harder to function without seeing him and idk, i just wish i could end my pain but that'd be selfish and greedy of me.
my rOCD is slowly chewing my relationship apart
i told him that he couldn't handle what compulsive thoughts spewed out of me, and i was right
he crumbled and so did i, and now i just feel numb. i love him so much yet this numbness still continues because of how my mental illness has torn us apart.
i want to get help- i know i'm the problem, but he won't let me because he think he's the problem.

i hate everything and myself and its getting harder to function without seeing him and idk, i just wish i could end my pain but that'd be selfish and greedy of me.

Mind if I pm you? You're not alone in this at all.
I feel like I'm running my relationship into the ground with my mental illness stuff too.
The numb stuff (I call it "being faraway") is horrible and it hurts.

Neither of you are the problem. Don't blame yourselves. :(
It's just a wiring thing, not a people thing. You can't help it.
my rOCD is slowly chewing my relationship apart
i told him that he couldn't handle what compulsive thoughts spewed out of me, and i was right
he crumbled and so did i, and now i just feel numb. i love him so much yet this numbness still continues because of how my mental illness has torn us apart.
i want to get help- i know i'm the problem, but he won't let me because he think he's the problem.

i hate everything and myself and its getting harder to function without seeing him and idk, i just wish i could end my pain but that'd be selfish and greedy of me.

y do u need his permission to get help? just do it if u think its the right thing to do.
Got into a very bad car accident. I'm extremely shaken up right now.

This morning, I was going through an intersection on a solid green light, checking both ways three times like I normally do, I was just about through the intersection when a guy comes down the right street going very fast, couldn't brake (slippery roads) in time and rear ends me. This completely TOTALED MY CAR. Granted, my car was just waiting to die out any day now, but it scared the living **** out of me. Thank goddess I or the man who caused the accident weren't injured. The impact made me just graze a third car, and luckly he wasn't hurt either. I contacted my insurance company only to get an airhead who didn't know what she was doing. The man was charged for running a red, and I'm waiting to hear from the claims people.

I missed an entire day's pay today, and I no longer have a car to drive. :mad:
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My two month period had finally stopped.
I'm not even going to play, I was stoked and I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend to make up for it.
After the most stress-filled morning, I bleed through my leggings at school.
And it's worse than ever; I can't even walk because the pain in my ovaries is killing me. I hate PCOS.
And I'm angry because I didn't even take advantage of those precious days when it stopped and now it's back and now what? I don't have healthcare; called this morning to be refused an appointment. I don't have money or anything. I have a feeling this is going to be my new normal. Like when I didn't have a period for a year and a half. Now it'll just be non-stop bleeding, sexual frustration, feeling gross/ugly. Go me.
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My two month period had finally stopped.
I'm not even going to play, I was stoked and I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend to make up for it.
After the most stress-filled morning, I bleed through my leggings at school.
And it's worse than ever; I can't even walk because the pain in my ovaries is killing me. I hate PCOS.
And I'm angry because I didn't even take advantage of those precious days when it stopped and now it's back and now what? I don't have healthcare; called this morning to be refused an appointment. I don't have money or anything. I have a feeling this is going to be my new normal. Like when I didn't have a period for a year and a half. Now it'll just be non-stop bleeding, sexual frustration, feeling gross/ugly. Go me.

I'm sorry you're having such a bad time of it. :( I hope things get better for you.
ugh went out on saturday for the first time in ages, and one of my housemates got so smashed she got kicked out of the club and was screaming and fighting the bouncers, they told me I'd have to calm her down or they'd call the police... sigh. So I did and then had to practically drag her home with the help of a friend, because she was practically unconscious and obviously the taxis wouldn't take her.

BUT then once I'd dumped her on the sofa I went back to the club because it was only like 1:30am. But then I couldn't find anyone apart from one friend, and I'd slept with him before a while back and he was kindof expecting me to again, but I said no and he got all stroppy so I left him and then I bumped into my ex and HE wanted to have sex with me and got all offended when I said no and tried to make me jealous (AS IF). So it was just an awkward night all round, haha.
My two month period had finally stopped.
I'm not even going to play, I was stoked and I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend to make up for it.
After the most stress-filled morning, I bleed through my leggings at school.
And it's worse than ever; I can't even walk because the pain in my ovaries is killing me. I hate PCOS.
And I'm angry because I didn't even take advantage of those precious days when it stopped and now it's back and now what? I don't have healthcare; called this morning to be refused an appointment. I don't have money or anything. I have a feeling this is going to be my new normal. Like when I didn't have a period for a year and a half. Now it'll just be non-stop bleeding, sexual frustration, feeling gross/ugly. Go me.

:( I'm glad that you at least had a few days of relief though.
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