What's bothering you?

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My two month period had finally stopped.
I'm not even going to play, I was stoked and I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend to make up for it.
After the most stress-filled morning, I bleed through my leggings at school.
And it's worse than ever; I can't even walk because the pain in my ovaries is killing me. I hate PCOS.
And I'm angry because I didn't even take advantage of those precious days when it stopped and now it's back and now what? I don't have healthcare; called this morning to be refused an appointment. I don't have money or anything. I have a feeling this is going to be my new normal. Like when I didn't have a period for a year and a half. Now it'll just be non-stop bleeding, sexual frustration, feeling gross/ugly. Go me.

I'm really sorry. I'm not sure where you live, but some places have free insurance and if not, you could possibly get some assistance from the government temporarily. I know that's not what anyone wants to hear, but I'd rather see you healthy and happy rather than suffering like this. I'm probably the least qualified to give advice since I'm a guy, but I sincerely wish you relief and comfort soon!

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As far as I go, my fiancee was sick for about a week and today, I caught whatever she had. God help me.
I'm really sorry. I'm not sure where you live, but some places have free insurance and if not, you could possibly get some assistance from the government temporarily. I know that's not what anyone wants to hear, but I'd rather see you healthy and happy rather than suffering like this. I'm probably the least qualified to give advice since I'm a guy, but I sincerely wish you relief and comfort soon!

- - - Post Merge - - -

As far as I go, my fiancee was sick for about a week and today, I caught whatever she had. God help me.

I'm so sorry.:( Anyways,I don't think God will hear you by posting his name on the internet,you should try praying...
I'm so sorry.:( Anyways,I don't think God will hear you by posting his name on the internet,you should try praying...

Aw, you're such a sweet person. Thank you for that! I've been going through a lot of hard things and praying enough as is, so I'm not going to burden God for being sick, but it's definitely not very fun. :)
About to start sweeping up to close and this guy I hate comes in with his friend to play pool.

You were already here earlier, seriously? I want to go home. ;l
I suffered a "hell week" of midterms, and did well on some, not so well on others, but Sunday I stayed up late studying for the last one I had to write on Monday and my sleep hasn't gone back on track since. Tuesday night GTA V came out on the PS4 so my boyfriend was busy with that and I was an insomniac anyway and couldn't sleep so I stayed up till 5:30am. Slept in till 3:00pm today. Missed my 2:30pm class. No matter what, my boyfriend couldn't wake me up. The alarm clock didn't wake me up. Him shaking me, yelling my name, calling my cell phone... nothing worked. It was BRUTALLY cold out today. I haven't left the house. I don't ever want to leave the house if it keeps up like this! I don't know how to get my sleep back on track or get motivated to go outside again. I just want to curl up and disappear.
This ***** telling me about her boob size,complaining to me about her monthly problems.I dgaf
I have a book presentation due in about three weeks that has to be ten minutes long and I haven't started my book because I don't have time after I get home & do all my other work for the rest of my classes. I'm getting on average 5 hours of sleep per night due to an excess amount of homework, I can't afford to lose anymore sleep.
Yesterday was a bad day. I had to stay 2 and a half hours after school due to band rehearsals, but since I didn't have my phone, I had to borrow my friend's phone, but no one answered so I just waited until my parents arrived because I thought, "they'd pick me up eventually.", but they didn't. I ended up waiting for about an hour until I started walking (this was around 6:20, and it was starting to get pretty dark) until I reached the highway and realized how far my house was. So I walked all the way back up hill to my school to ask to borrow someone's phone and by the time I got back to school it was dark and I was exhausted. That took me about 20 minutes to go up and down the hill. I waited 30 more minutes and I saw a few friends of mine, and I asked for a ride and I got home at around 7:45 (school ends at 2:55 and rehearsals ended at 5:30). It was really embarrassing to be the last person to leave and have my friends feeling sorry for me. I was so exhausted so when I got home, I just took a shower, ate, watched TV then fell asleep. The only fun thing that happened yesterday was I had a substitute teacher for 2 classes so it was a pretty chill class yesterday.
I really regret not telling my doctor about my panic attacks last time I had the chance since they weren't that bad then. I'll do it next time but I keep having panic attacks every night and I feel like holding all these problems inside me is and hiding them from everybody is making me a water balloon full to bursting. Every time I have a panic attack I feel like I'm going crazy and get this unreal feeling that makes it so much worse. I try remembering the techniques I read online but when I actually get the panic attack my mind goes blank and I'm just along for the ride. The insane, painful ride that I hate every time but can't stop.
I had mean customers and meaner coworkers today. I got off at 6:00pm and went to Albertson's to buy a coke. I tried self-checkout but the damn thing kept going "ITEM IN BAGGING AREA" and a guy walked over all "Oops, sorry sir :)! Can I check you out myself?" So I walked all the way to the cash register at the other side of the store because the other ones were full/busy/broken. He said "Is that all? :)" And I just snapped and screamed "THAT IS ALL, SIR!" He quickly gave me three bucks in change (I was only supposed to get $2.46) and I walked out in my scrubs with my face red.
I ****ing feel awful. I'm the type of person people in Re-Tail complain about...I'M SORRY
I'm trying to give away pudge and I have like 20 views on my post and nobody will say they want him >:c
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