What's bothering you?

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My stepfather. All three others living here (my mom, stepsister and I) have asked him to stop several times, he's still smoking. My mom asked me to stop talking to him about it since it was stressing her out and she didn't want to hear about it anymore.

The most annoying times are when I try to stay away from the smell and the effects it has on me. I'll go into the room they're in to talk to them, smell it and go back into the room I was in before while still having the conversation. It annoys them that I do that, but at the same time they make no effort to understand what it does to me.

It's a situation in which everyone is being selfish, though I think trying to prevent myself from getting lung cancer is a pretty legitimate reason to be selfish.
My stepfather. All three others living here (my mom, stepsister and I) have asked him to stop several times, he's still smoking. My mom asked me to stop talking to him about it since it was stressing her out and she didn't want to hear about it anymore.

The most annoying times are when I try to stay away from the smell and the effects it has on me. I'll go into the room they're in to talk to them, smell it and go back into the room I was in before while still having the conversation. It annoys them that I do that, but at the same time they make no effort to understand what it does to me.

It's a situation in which everyone is being selfish, though I think trying to prevent myself from getting lung cancer is a pretty legitimate reason to be selfish.

Wow.. I know you've probably already tried this, but you really need to try explaining how bad smoking is for you. Don't try make it seem like he's doing something wrong exactly (a lot of smokers get very defensive about it) but he needs to know it could be affecting you too. Fair enough, if he wants to smoke, its his body and no one can stop him. But it's not fair on people around him getting the second-hand smoke. Smoking causes far more problems than lung cancer, it also affects your heart and blood vessels and other things too. If he was a decent person he'd suffer the minor inconvenience of going outside to smoke.
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I got a racist comment at school.
I know most people are like "wtf dude get over it" but I am just so sensitive and we were in Science. I was so close to grabbing a bottle of acid and just trying to burn my eyes, the reason for the comment, but a teacher overheard.
I don't cope well with this sort of thing. Fortunately I was taken to the office before anything else happened.
But the PSM (Pupil / Student Mentor) told me the person who said this comment was upset too, as he gets bullied himself over his hair colour. I'm really concerned for him because I know it happens, I've heard it happen, but I'm still conflicted about what he said.
No apologies have been exchanged since it was only a few hour ago but I'm still very upset and I don't know what to do.
I got a racist comment at school.
I know most people are like "wtf dude get over it" but I am just so sensitive and we were in Science. I was so close to grabbing a bottle of acid and just trying to burn my eyes, the reason for the comment, but a teacher overheard.
I don't cope well with this sort of thing. Fortunately I was taken to the office before anything else happened.
But the PSM (Pupil / Student Mentor) told me the person who said this comment was upset too, as he gets bullied himself over his hair colour. I'm really concerned for him because I know it happens, I've heard it happen, but I'm still conflicted about what he said.
No apologies have been exchanged since it was only a few hour ago but I'm still very upset and I don't know what to do.

wat do u gain out of being upset by that comment?
preferably the truth, unless u like lying to urself

Nothing. I don't take pride in the satisfaction of knowing I've caused someone to get into trouble.
But I can't control my emotions because as you're probably thinking, I was most probably triggered.
Nothing. I don't take pride in the satisfaction of knowing I've caused someone to get into trouble.
But I can't control my emotions because as you're probably thinking, I was most probably triggered.

u dont need to control ur emotions in order to be rational. and there is no rational reason for u to be that upset about a comment some punk made. tell me, how do u want the situation to be resolved? do u think thats the last time anybody is ever going to make a dumb remark about u?
u dont need to control ur emotions in order to be rational. and there is no rational reason for u to be that upset about a comment some punk made. tell me, how do u want the situation to be resolved? do u think thats the last time anybody is ever going to make a dumb remark about u?

I'm not going to make excuses, and tbh I am pretty stupid when it comes to this sort of thing, but it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision and I was stupid for thinking it through.
You gotta understand though, some people can just instantly snap at one thing because something bad happened in the past, so not everyone can hear stuff like that with your mindset.
But thanks for making me think. You're actually really nice, I just didn't see it before~
Wow.. I know you've probably already tried this, but you really need to try explaining how bad smoking is for you. Don't try make it seem like he's doing something wrong exactly (a lot of smokers get very defensive about it) but he needs to know it could be affecting you too. Fair enough, if he wants to smoke, its his body and no one can stop him. But it's not fair on people around him getting the second-hand smoke. Smoking causes far more problems than lung cancer, it also affects your heart and blood vessels and other things too. If he was a decent person he'd suffer the minor inconvenience of going outside to smoke.
He's missing a leg which was often given to me as a reason for him not going outside. Apart from him sometimes having pains in his stump due to chafing in the prosthetic, he walks just fine. If people expect him to smoke outside in their homes, or they have a dedicated room, he'll go there instead. I've tried talking to them about it several times, to no avail. And like I said, my mom asked me to stop talking about it altogether because it stressed her out. She felt like she was put in between me and my stepfather, but I think she's just taking it too personally.

I feel like I should accept that he's not going to go outside, but in return I want them to not complain when I try to stay outside of smoke's reach. They think it's overreacting, but I think that if I can't breathe at times it's a fairly serious situation.
My mom doesn't want me to get Pokemon Bank and I can't transfer all my legends(I have one of every legend released so far) and a box and 5 shiny Pokemon over to AS
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