i want to hurt someone right now
a certain someone
right now
same but sadly i am only an eel.
I've been kicked out of my aunt's house and I don't really care because my family is all very rude, but their ignorance is bothering me.
i want to hurt someone right now
a certain someone
right now
It's okay. I'm just chilling outside until everyone leaves and I'm gonna see if my mom will give me a ride home when she comes out.I'm sorry. Did you go anywhere, or are you just hanging around there?
Same.i want to hurt someone right now
a certain someone
right now
Sometimes I just feel completely unwelcome and shunned...ugh.
Sometimes I just feel completely unwelcome and shunned...ugh.
I know what its liked to feel unappreciated... I'm feeling it now. At work, at school, my parents are just awful. No wonder I stay in my room all day...
I try to be like nature. When you walk into a forest, look at the trees, the river, the animals. The trees grow even without being praised, the river runs every when no one is looking. I try to be independent. It's something that I hold near and dear to me.
When I was younger, my parents didn't spend a lot of time with me. I became independent at a young age. As I grew older, my parents read online and heard on FOX news/Dr. Phil that I was doing drugs and having sex because I am a teenager and that's what all teenagers do. From then on, my parents helicoptered me. It's frustrating because I'm used to being independent and now that they're suddenly there I just feel angry.
Someone stole the cab I called for tonight and it was brutally cold out and I had to call another one. Jerk. The cab driver even asks your name and the guy lied and said it was my boyfriend's name (who called the cab). How rude. I saw the guy on the bus to the event too.... I gave him directions to the place we went to and THAT's how he returns the favour? By stealing my cab? Some people..... Whatever happened to reciprocal kindness?
you should kick him next time you see him lol
no don't do that
i mean... unless you want to
I wanna' find more good foods to eat but there is none