What's bothering you?

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Sooooo many people have made "Ask Me" threads that have been really successful, so I made a Q&A/Advice Column that hasn't really taken off..... to jump on this bandwagon and to cure my of my boredom and to help others.

If you want to visit it: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?243724-The-KiloPatches-Advice-Column-and-Q-amp-A-Thread! I would appreciate it :)

It bothers me that my thread bothers people (that "Christ, not another one of these") and it bothers me that no one is asking me questions or looking to me for advice.
Sooooo many people have made "Ask Me" threads that have been really successful, so I made a Q&A/Advice Column that hasn't really taken off..... to jump on this bandwagon and to cure my of my boredom and to help others.

If you want to visit it: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?243724-The-KiloPatches-Advice-Column-and-Q-amp-A-Thread! I would appreciate it :)

It bothers me that my thread bothers people (that "Christ, not another one of these") and it bothers me that no one is asking me questions or looking to me for advice.

I'm sorry to hear that. I was going to ask a question but I was too lazy since I mostly lurk in the forums now.
My cousin who's a bit crazy just came by asking for money and I was home alone. I gave him some change and he said he'll come back later. I hope my siblings come home soon.
Well it's not that those Ask me are incredibly serious, either.

Well Windows 8.1 for now. Stop forcing crap Windows.
ppl with no firearms experience who make assumptions about what is and isnt acceptable in a gunfight, based on wat they watch on tv
ppl with no firearms experience who make assumptions about what is and isnt acceptable in a gunfight, based on wat they watch on tv
It's easier to judge that which you know nothing about.

I'm going to stay out of the whole Ferguson thread (I assume that's what you're talking about) because it's just a situation waiting to explode. People all think they're right based on whatever information they think is most important, or just make baseless assumptions. I don't know enough about it to form a concrete opinion, so I'm not getting involved.
It's easier to judge that which you know nothing about.

I'm going to stay out of the whole Ferguson thread (I assume that's what you're talking about) because it's just a situation waiting to explode. People all think they're right based on whatever information they think is most important, or just make baseless assumptions. I don't know enough about it to form a concrete opinion, so I'm not getting involved.

I completely agree. Debating stuff like the Ferguson incident and opinions on abortion, and pretty much opinions about serious real-world things are going to eventually explode, not to mention that they're generally unacceptable to talk about.
I offer to draw for people and they either ignore me completely or say they will check it out and get back to me and then they pretend like I never posted.... it it really rude in my books, I offer what you want but then you just ignore me, how do you think it feels, not nice :( I get I am no Michel Angelo but the least you could say is, No thank you, or, I am not looking for your art style sorry.
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you stay away from my bed
can u not see there is a drip in my foot
i don't need this annoying kid running up 2 my bed, i already had a kid jump up on my bed before and try ripping it out. this is my bed, this is yours
now shoo before i freak
Every debate thread has the same people who think they know everything and shout at everyone to check their privilege.
The only thing harder to find in this area than gold ribbon is black ribbon.

Why won't they open some kind of artsy crafty store in Northern Manhattan?

and all my things are getting messed up
i dropped my ipod on cement and cracked the screen for the first time ever.
my little cousin lost my 3DS stylus and scratched up the D-pad
my other little cousin took more of the glass off my ipod
my wallet is missing w/ my first paycheck
you stay away from my bed
can u not see there is a drip in my foot
i don't need this annoying kid running up 2 my bed, i already had a kid jump up on my bed before and try ripping it out. this is my bed, this is yours
now shoo before i freak

huh what
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