What's bothering you?

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The political situation in Sweden. Seriously they are acting like kids just because they are so unhappy with the government that was chosen in September and probably voted down the budget because they wanted to provoke an extra-election in March next year.
okay buddy if you want to piss all over the toilet seat and floor that's fine, that's your perogative.

but unless you were staring off into another direction while you were pissing (which hey, maybe you were considering your aim), you had to have seen the sheer amount of piss all over the place, and then decided to just walk away from the situation with nigh even an attempt to wipe the seat with some paper

to say the least I am disappointed in you
People who don't reply back to texts even though it's extremely important. It's been over an hour. Also, I have a performance tonight and I'm not physically ready. I'm pretty sure I'm catching a cold, and my slacks feel a lot tighter compared to the last time I wore it.... this is a wake up call, unfortunately.

Well I hope you feel better.

Due to the extreme weather and the drought we are in,and the rain,people are like splashing puddles onto me and I am getting mad.Also there's no food,and I cannot go outside to buy food right now,and people.I am sooo scared when people approach me about K-Pop because I don't know that many member's names.Its just intimidating.
Also a boy who sits next to me in LA Class.Yesterday he mocked my table for not finishing our workbooks on Thanksgiving break,(I just forgot the notes.) and he started saying Ha ha ha ha ha nonstop while I asked him politely to stop,he continued.Finally today,his binder wasn't organized and it was worth 50 points,and he didn't have one while the whole other table did.Then he stayed quiet after that.

Also I underrated ''Over the garden Wall'' REALLY LOWLY.The plot twists are amazing.
My moods always ending up me being a B I T C H at this place. I should keep my mouth shut instead, but it is a bad habbit :c
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this really cute guy in my class emailed the class asking if anyone wants to start a study group and obv i emailed back right away and said YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and he has yet to reply and its been over 3 hrs smh watever u ugly neway
what's bothering me is that people can be so judgmental over nothing D:
this really cute guy in my class emailed the class asking if anyone wants to start a study group and obv i emailed back right away and said YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and he has yet to reply and its been over 3 hrs smh watever u ugly neway

he's probably dead
why does snape use up so much pencil to draw him HNG

On a slightly more serious note, I hope that I don't mess up on my song at auditions for Into The Woods Jr. tommorow. If I don't make a character, I'm not in the play since it's smaller this year and doesn't have a chorus; just the characters.
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My computer is super broken and so now my assignments aren't sending so I have a D and F in two classes
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Aww, that sucks! Have you talked to a teacher about this problem?

Just sent them an email with pictures included

My teacher posts Youtube Vids to take notes on and a lot of the time Youtube Loading Error.jpg this happens
i'm awake having panic attacks and i have to be up in a few hours for school and i can't go to sleep and i can't focus and i can't think and i have so much **** that i have to do and I HAVE NO TIME TO DO IT and everything is happening all at once and i just can't
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