i honestly wouldnt mind leaving forever right now
id like to die in outer space tbh
thatd be cool
you'd be the first person to die in space
that'd be cool
So I emailed my teachers about my computer issues and one responded, she claimed everything is available in her class in the green make up work box, all the unit plans are available in it as well, which it is NOT. She then went to talk about how she isn't making me fail and I never claimed they were, I was just explaining my computer issues. So my Grandma arrives to take me to school right after I finish reading this. I am a bit rattled but I hop in the car and just tuck away my upset feelings. Finally she asks me about classes and I just say a little trying to hold it all in but after 10 minutes I am sitting in her car in front of the school, still going on about everything I am having issues with. She then starts the car and tells me, you're not going to school, you are coming home to have a hot beverage and relax, your incredibly stressed and it is eating you to just relax, this is when I started crying and saying no I need to stay and just keep pushing on, she then keeps driving and that was the end of that. We get home and she calls my mom, my mom thinks everything is happy-go-lucky but the moment my grandma said she brought me home an irritated voice comes out and asks to talk to me. I comply and talk to her and she just kept asking whats wrong and I told her I was super stressed. Finally she gave in and said she would call the school. I stayed with my grandma all day, it was nice. I get home later after Tree Lighting-our choir does some singing there- and I check me email, my second teacher replied saying only 3 assignments were online and that I can redo them for 1 crisis card, good deal yet he is all irritated sounding saying that I should be using my breaks and lunches to complete my homework and that my classwork is never complete (I always complete class assigned work) and that I submit my work incorrectly. It is making me cry.... they took my message of just an update as a threat or something... I am afraid to see them tomorrow and scared they will wanna talk about how none of it is their fault and how I am blaming them... I am just getting so scared and failing and am a failure at life. I am so scared and I don't know what to do, why can't I just be good at something or be really smart like my sister, why.... I just feel so alone and stupid, even the kids who don't do anything are passing.... I just don't know anything that is making me feel better, It hurts and I am loosing friends since I sit and do HW all day, TBT is my only out lit and thanks to my grades I may loose it. Now here I am at 9pm crying over my computer keys, unsure i even belong around anywhere (not suicidal or anything just so lost and confused about everything)
I hear where you are coming from.....
I feel like I am moving at a snail's pace in my university degree. While everyone is moving forward I just seem to stay put somehow. My boyfriend and I have been in university since 2008. He is graduating this month and starting his Masters in January. I won't be writing my Honours thesis until 2017 at the EARLIEST. So I won't graduate until 2018. 10 YEARS TO GRADUATE WITH AN UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE?!?! Sure, I have changed my major, Voluntarily Withdrawn from classes because of 2 hospitalizations so I had to re-take some, and my mother died in 2010...... BUT STILL! Everyone who started in 2008 as already graduated and moved on with their lives..... I know I am going to be in school a wile because I want my Masters & PhD..... but by the time my boyfriend is finished his Masters, I will only be starting my Thesis. Snail's pace. I work harder than anyone else...... my profs know that. They all think I am brilliant. But my grades aren't reflected in how much I study every day. My peers who slack off and have no goal direction get higher grades than me when I am depressed. But when I am stable I get straight As. Its all because of this mental illness.... TBT has become my outlet too.... my escape....
I just am lost and due to bad grades I could never get into collage, that is what UB says... They say Cs will not get you into your dream school. So I am just gonna barely pass High School, yay... (Sophomore btw)
all out of booze and am broke atm...
- - - Post Merge - - -
There are tons of options for colleges. I was a complete slob in high school and skipped a ton of days and made straight C's and occasional D's but that definitely didn't rule me out of higher learning! just make it through high school... it can be tough but never let teachers tell you that you can't do something or a bad student or person.
In the twelve years that I lived as,I've never been as mad as I am now about school.
My parents always tell me,do well,study and give me a long lecture about school that is stuck in my head and annoyingme since I'm stressed out about it.I am the youngest of my family and my parents expect highly of me and is working day night out.If I fail,it'll torture me for the rest of my life.
But today I asked them 6 multiple times,''I do not want to talk about this.'' and repeatedly til I'm really annoyed.Then I just hold my face and cry because they don't listen.
Then my dad goes outside and informs my sister about EVERYTHING.You can hear them talking in the background,"Shes crying because she doesn't wanna tell us about school."Annoying." Seriously.My dad is plain rude.
all out of booze and am broke atm...
- - - Post Merge - - -
There are tons of options for colleges. I was a complete slob in high school and skipped a ton of days and made straight C's and occasional D's but that definitely didn't rule me out of higher learning! just make it through high school... it can be tough but never let teachers tell you that you can't do something or a bad student or person.