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What's bothering you?

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Siblings. -_-

Ya know I see so many people saying that people are bothering them and I feel both sad and confused. For one, what has caused people to become so hateful towards each other? =< Stupid question obviously, it's because people are idiots and we all have too big of opinions (me too, I hate myself just as much as people hate me, no worries).
But then I feel confused because we hate people... but we still seek out company. That's what is happening right here.

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My mom thinks I want to live on Hawaii with a ton of money and be a famous veternarian or scientist.

I want to live in Norway in a small cabin and be left alone.

She hears me but she doesn't listen.

Don't cha just hate it when others think they know you better than you know yourself? v.v

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been sick the last 3 weeks and coughed so much my ribs hurt now... went to the doctor and she said she cant do anything bc its prob a viral chest infection so antibiotics wont help fml

Feel better soon poor dear! T.T That is just awful. This is another thing that bothers a lot; doctors. They're such idiots.
Is there maybe any kind of medicine you can rub on your chest to relax it? .n. Tis just so sad.

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It's hard to have a parent with a mental disability.. Just don't know what to do sometimes. :/

What is it? If you don't mind my asking. .n.
Sometimes it just helps to breathe. I remember one time when I was really really sick, had a terrible fever and such, I kept feeling like I was losing my mind. I could not stop thinking about something, that something had to be done, but I had no idea what it was. It was the only thing able to go through my head over and over. It turned out to only be little things. Turning down the volume on the tv. Letting the dog out. Making tea. Brushing my teeth. But I felt they were driving me mad. But even now days when I am better but upset about something, I need to remember just to breathe. Think about who I want to be. And just be that.
There's cats yowling outside and it's really bothering me.

Probably in heat or they're having kitty sex. The male cat's ‘penis' is covered in hook-like barbs, and as he withdraws these barbs abrade the females cat's ‘vulva'. She will scream and turn to bite him.
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Probably in heat or they're having kitty sex. The male cat's ‘penis' is covered in hook-like barbs, and as he withdraws these barbs abrade the females cat's ‘vulva'. She will scream and turn to bite him. An experienced male cat will maintain control of her until he fees it is safe to release her and move away.

Ummm thank you,I didn't know that. 8)
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Ummm thank you,I didn't know that. 8)

i have to finish chemistry and english homework but i want to watch steven universe UGH
Shirt is really uncomfortable and it's only second period. Wish I changed it this morning but it didn't start until I got in school
my boyfriend has to stop spending so much time with me to focus on college and i feel like such a selfish idiot for being upset about it
clinginess intensifies
Runescape even with all the microtransactions they've got going on had to bump up the membership prices, geez thanks for making it cost 1/3 more for me than it was earlier!

Well you keep the old price aslong as you renew your memb within 2 weeks but as a player who plays on and off and takes alot of breaks.. **** you !

Well atleast I bought the 1 year premium xl
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RS has been ****ed up since they changed it like way back.

I want that Samurai Warriors 4 but apparently you can't it physical anywhere here for Vita el ****
Think I got scammed on dA :/ I'm going to start expecting payment before I start on artwork from now on (friends are an exception, of course).
was playing the computer when it started getting laggy. i thought "eh, no biggie" but then it just shut itself off. the computer, the monitor, the master plug thingy... all off. :U

gotta browse tbt on my 3ds. such a pain.

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was playing the computer when it started getting laggy. i thought "eh, no biggie" but then it just shut itself off. the computer, the monitor, the master plug thingy... all off. :U

gotta browse tbt on my 3ds. such a pain.
I broke my bag and a crutch so now I'm hobbling around on one crutch with an open back in my other hand :(((
welp, i was getting out of the shower and went to get my glasses and one of the parts that go on your ears fall off... fml...
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