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What's bothering you?

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I recently got over a sinus infection, but I still have the lingering cough and runny nose. I just want something to help soothe my throat. But nothing works and there's like nothing to drink at home. :(
I recently got over a sinus infection, but I still have the lingering cough and runny nose. I just want something to help soothe my throat. But nothing works and there's like nothing to drink at home. :(

I heard that yogurt helps!
time to make a doctors appointment woopwoop

p sure I have a lung infection since I've been sick for the last month
also vomiting is a ***** : )
My doctor's appointment left me with a lot of disappointment. :/
Not looking forward to March 3rd...
On a lighter note of something annoying: Found my perfect map for my second town, but I chose the default face instead of the one I wanted with the little blush cheeks. Default face is cute enough and its a tiny thing.
My doctor's appointment left me with a lot of disappointment. :/
Not looking forward to March 3rd...
On a lighter note of something annoying: Found my perfect map for my second town, but I chose the default face instead of the one I wanted with the little blush cheeks. Default face is cute enough and its a tiny thing.

I hope things start to look up for you!
I think my friends are replacing me or I might just be cloudy in the head...

Yeah, I definitely know how that feels. Like, I have a best friend that I've met online a number of years back. We started talking about Animal Crossing and whatnot for the most part back in the middle of 2013, then he wanted to Skype and play through some video games together on Steam, which we would typically do often now, or even just Skype and talk almost all day about whatever. This kept up for a long time, up until I left for college last September. He just slowly started to drift towards other groups of people, especially with the release of Smash, and now he mostly just talks to them now. We still talk through Skype, but honestly it's just not the same, and it's definitely not as often. Nowhere near as often. We used to Skype basically everyday, but now I'm lucky if we Skype even two or three times a week for a few hours, and when we do, either I can't come up with anything to say or he can't. Hell, he's even forgotten all about me a lot lately because he's been too busy with his other group of friends. Our conversations even over Facebook aren't that great either, considering he'll only just send me Facebook Stickers through Messenger or stop responding to me after a short period of time.

I can't help but feel like I did something wrong, but every time I ask him, he flat out says "No." Just "No." and that's it. He still claims that I'm still his best friend, and I've always considered him my best friend. Hell, I love him to the point where he's like a brother to me, but man, I'm just not feeling the same friendship I've felt a year or two ago. I'm pretty sure that he's basically replaced me with his newfound groups of friends at this point.
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None of my childhood best friends are keeping in touch with me, no matter how hard I've been trying to message them every couple months asking them how they are, what's been happening in my life, etc. I'm not going to lie and say that it doesn't hurt my feelings, because the people I grew up with (no siblings), are leaving me behind in the dust. It really sucks and I'm feeling more lonely as the days pass.
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GameFAQ's users are so cancerous I have no idea where to start.

I made a thread asking some questions on Monster Hunter 4 since I was confused about on about Hunter Ranks and what they truly mean, also asking about certain armor sets and stuff, now I mentioned I have used my Powersave to help me with my main playthrough (Mainly to get materials that I can't be bothered to fight the same boss over and over just to make armor sets) and I'm getting insulted ever so badly because I'm "killing fun for myself and others" I get that I could be killing it for myself, sure, but others?

That's the problem, I want to HELP others, not be a **** about me having all this nice gear so I can loathe others for owning it, I LOVE helping others out, I could pretty much do most of these quests solo but I want to help others level up with me so they feel comfortable with playing.

The people on GameFAQ's are acting like I've just started the game and know nothing about it nor am interested in knowing these things, I did everything until Harth by myself without hacking and I loved it, sure it's not an achievement of sorts but I still appreciate the game for what it has to offer, and it's not like these 9 Star quests are a piece of cake either, even with these cheats, it's not making things easier by that much.

I can appreciate what they're trying to show, they're devoted to loving the series and It's completely understandable but I'm not like most hackers who WOULD be an arse about the game.

What annoys me more is I could've avoided all that grief if I took 10 minutes to google the stuff I was asking, especially the G-Ranked quest details.
GameFAQ's users are so cancerous I have no idea where to start.

I made a thread asking some questions on Monster Hunter 4 since I was confused about on about Hunter Ranks and what they truly mean, also asking about certain armor sets and stuff, now I mentioned I have used my Powersave to help me with my main playthrough (Mainly to get materials that I can't be bothered to fight the same boss over and over just to make armor sets) and I'm getting insulted ever so badly because I'm "killing fun for myself and others" I get that I could be killing it for myself, sure, but others?

That's the problem, I want to HELP others, not be a **** about me having all this nice gear so I can loathe others for owning it, I LOVE helping others out, I could pretty much do most of these quests solo but I want to help others level up with me so they feel comfortable with playing.

The people on GameFAQ's are acting like I've just started the game and know nothing about it nor am interested in knowing these things, I did everything until Harth by myself without hacking and I loved it, sure it's not an achievement of sorts but I still appreciate the game for what it has to offer, and it's not like these 9 Star quests are a piece of cake either, even with these cheats, it's not making things easier by that much.

I can appreciate what they're trying to show, they're devoted to loving the series and It's completely understandable but I'm not like most hackers who WOULD be an arse about the game.

What annoys me more is I could've avoided all that grief if I took 10 minutes to google the stuff I was asking, especially the G-Ranked quest details.

Ugh, this is why I hate most communities/forums. TBT is the only one that I'm perfectly fine with using, but even then, I've seen people be a butt on here numerous times. That's just the internet for ya :/
Shamefully the Internet will always be like this which blows so much, I can agree on the TBT having the odd few jerks but yeah, nothing compared to GameFAQ's, that's for sure.
People don't accept my weirdness. Yes I'm weird, it doesn't mean I'm gross or a bad person. I like to say crazy/random stuff for fun, it's my personality. People are just so freaking uptight.
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