What's Bothering You?

I’m okay but I still feel really anxious and uneasy. I wish there was a way to hide things and filter things out that I don’t want to see (online and not just here).

An hour or so ago, I was talking to my mom and then my dad starts talking. I said I was still talking and he said no you were done. He has always been rude and inconsiderate but he has gotten worse over the years and continues to rapidly decline (health and mental health wise). I never want to talk to my mom or even play with my cats when he is him because how rude he is and I just lock myself more in my room. i could go on about things he did even when he was “healthier” when I was a kid, but I don’t have the energy and don’t want to remember.

no replies or dms please.
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Some person in my area keeps abusing the ring alert notifcation system. Apparently they need suggestions on how to buy cheap groceries. I understand that person is struggling financially, but can they please ask for help elsewhere? These alerts are meant to notify neighbors of happenings in the area or lost pets. This isn't a social media platform, and all they're doing is being incredibly annoying.

I just turned off the notifications because I haven't even installed my ring doorbell yet. Meh.
I remember a time when I was actually responsible with my money
TW: death, financial struggles
My dad passed away three weeks ago today, on February 19. We lost my mom February 13, five years ago. I'm not even old. I'm the only adult orphan I know of irl, and I don't even have any friends other than my flatmate since being forced to become an expat for financial reasons in 2019 -that live in the same country as me, that is. I feel extremely lonely and scared and wish there was anything anyone could do about it...
had to report a volunteer at work today because he was saying some. insane bigoted stuff. i won't get into specifics, but islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia. (and that's just based on what i Did hear.) my male colleagues were kind of brushing it off, but i was so uncomfortable that i had to say something to a higher-up, even if he'll probably figure out it was me. i don't regret it, but i am conflict averse, so it's making me a little nervous.