What's Bothering You?

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Of course my cat has to start being sick just 2 days before we are supposed to go away
for christmas.. and when I called the veterinaire she asked "So you come for Mido?"
..Mido is my rabbit that has died recently, so even more heartbreaking and I am so stressed
out now for my little Poppy.. she's literally my baby :'(
ugh new years

also lmao some ppl.

also why is garchomp so annoying to get hnnnng.
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I'm in a weird situation on whether I should follow through on designing and structuring my village. Or to just buy a switch and start fresh for when the new animal crossing comes out :S

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I completely cleared the layout of my town. So my villagers have to deal with a barren waste land with items everywhere :S I haven't been on for months now.

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May I ask what game it is? I'm curious.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2. I got really into playing the apps on my phone for the first 2 games, so I bought garden warfare 2 on origin but it says my driver is too outdated so it crashes upon start :(
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2. I got really into playing the apps on my phone for the first 2 games, so I bought garden warfare 2 on origin but it says my driver is too outdated so it crashes upon start :(

I used to play it loads too and yeah I remember it even being heavy for gamer laptops and drivers etc. so yeah :( Sorry man :(
You ever notice someone's blocked you & you've never interacted with them before? Hm. Feels not good.
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2. I got really into playing the apps on my phone for the first 2 games, so I bought garden warfare 2 on origin but it says my driver is too outdated so it crashes upon start :(

glasspandabear, that's a shame. I'm sure you could find a second hand console quite cheap. Though I don't know if it would justify to buy a console for one game. What type of games do you like?
I know my treatment was expensive and that we're not exactly a rich family, but I wish you all considered my mental stability as a more important thing than the expense.
Nothing more irritating than a clogged ear and no dr appointments available during the Chistmas sesh.

send prayers . xox
Somehow, the fact that Lickitung, Chansey, and Pok?mon outside the Water and Ice types has access to Ice Beam and Blizzard really offends me. Because Ice Pok?mon are so bad defensively (one resistance, common weaknesses, low speed), having Pok?mon outside the Ice Type learn Ice moves devalues the Ice Pok?mon even more. I’m okay with the water Pok?mon and Mew having Ice Beam, but not the other Pok?mon outside that type.
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Lately my dreams are bad. A few have yielded imagery so sincerely disgusting that I don't want to share them. I want to have a normal dream. D:
I miss you so much it hurts. This is so hard.

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