What's Bothering You?

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I really, really do not like the holidays. I don't really get along with my family & receiving gifts kind of makes me uncomfortable. :<
i am just crushed. im not going to be able to fully participate in another tbt event and I'm rlly disappointed.
when I saw tbt season's palette I was soo excited because I knew my macbook was on the way and id be able to create my entry using my tablet w/ photoshop!!! i was like heck yeah this is the perfect opportunity to get the hang of photoshop and learn about my tablet. the tablet I have is a yiynova msp19 and it is beautiful. gorg. its huge. i was excited to the max to start using it, considering I've had it since April and I haven't been able to use it for art yet since my bf's laptop is too old, so I needed a pc of my own to hook it up to.
my MacBook arrived like, 7 days ago. something was wrong with the charger and so the mac died an hour after I got it. the seller was suuuuper duper sweet and sent me a new charger right away, took like another 3 days to arrive. when I finally got the MacBook up and running, we realized it didn't have a port to plug the hdmi cable into. no biggie, we ordered another cord that would allow us to connect the tablet. all the cords at the stores were expensive and we couldn't afford them, but I found one on amazon for like $8 that would arrive on the 23rd. i was anxious at this point because I had to work long shifts the days before Christmas so, I wouldn't have a lot of time to work on the piece once the new cord arrived. also, I've been feeling p unwell too. but I figured, I have Christmas Day off, no plans, ill work on it all day!
cord is here now. MacBook is working smoothly. we go to install the drivers for my tablet... and nothing seems to be working.
problem. after. problem.
I've spent ALL! DAY! TRYING! to figure this out.
every single yiynova q&a page I've read thru. I've gone through multiple tutorials, trying to find SOMETHING that addresses the problems im facing. unfortunately for me, not many people have created tutorials for the yiynova so my search has been long and tedious.to add onto this never-ending blackhole, every time I fix one thing, another issue arises.
and because its Christmas Day, customer support isn't available so we won't be able to speak with someone directly until tomorrow. the deadline for the palette entries will have been long passed.
ive had a good Christmas overall, but considering ive spent my entire day working on this, im feeling so heartbroken and agitated. I lashed out at my bf a few times, when he was just trying to help me out.
writing this has helped me calm down immensely. it seems almost silly that I spent all day trying to get my tablet setup when I could have simply colored in the pic on photoshop with the fill bucket tool. but, no, I was determined lmao.
sadly it was all for nothing. my end goal was to earn the tinsel I needed for the frost egg. if not the frost egg, the gold candy was my second choice (its so pretty omg). not participating in the pallet challenge means I won't be able to purchase either, which is pretty disheartening. ill say this again, I'm aware this sounds silly and overdramatic lol but ig the fact that I spent my entire day working on smthing, but then realizing my attempts were fruitless, is really sad. ive had problems with motivation lately, and feeling as if I'm lazy and give up too easy. this was something I truly wanted to do, and im upset I ended up not being able to complete it. it makes me feel like, maybe, that voice in my head that always tells me to give up!!! its not gonna work out anyway!!! is right, lol.

tldr; im salty because I spent all day trying to do the art for frost egg. no art happened, so no frost egg. also im a big crybaby!

sorry for this jumbled mess of a rant, I just needed to get it off my chest lol.
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In my feelings again
The pain is back
I have to remind the family that church doesn't come before family
I've been eating unhealthy for months and I'm feeling sick
Little brother... I hope you find your way soon

- - - Post Merge - - -

I wanna see you so baddddd it's like a thorn in my brain !

This too lol
Okay... starting to get a little better. Never doing that again lmao
I'm prob gonna have no Christmas spirit next year. I feel bad that I couldn't give a whole lot of gifts, and I also didn't get that much that I wanted mostly because my parents have no money. I'm just not feeling it anymore.
Today isn?t my lucky day. I failed to catch the toy hammer, and I can?t sell two green feathers for the same worth one toy hammer is.

But hey, there are more events to come. I wonder what?s in store in the future.
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