What's Bothering You?

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i handed in my 2 weeks notice @ work today and i bumped into someone i used to work with and he said he will miss me and made me cry :(
Cold tea; forgot all about my mug and physically spat it out

Very annoyed at myself after forking out for a new macbook a few weeks ago, right before Christmas as well. Never sitting near a drink again, I'm defo cursed.

Can't even sell the old one (won't turn on) as it still holds all of my personal info, including a password for full access.
I screw up every time I try something for the first time in ACNL and I'm tired of being a screw up when it comes to this game. I'm also ashamed that I'm a chicken about TTing. Actually I'm even more chicken about TTing since I screwed up the first time I tried it. It all stems back to me being a screw up when I try new things in NL. I'm not too happy with myself right now.
gaps between villager adoption

what i mean by that is that i usually adopt like three villagers and then i have to wait a bit to adopt another few so i can get to 10 villagers and start gradually moving them out, because of this i have to set my game's clock back over and over again until i can adopt another 2 - this is to prevent other new villagers plotting houses down so i have less hassle of moving out other villagers
I am so SICK of that stupid surround system. It's right below where I sleep and I can feel the vibration. I can never relax at work or sleep at night because my family is blasting that tv 24/7!
I've waited til last minute and now there are chatrooms upon chatrooms stacked up on my MysMes app and now I'm suffering cuz I want to go back to YouTube
ddaeng is too slow... so I have to speed up the video to enjoy RM's rap in its full glory rip
I’m so scared that I’m going to regret all of this in a few months, that I wasted my time on you.
^okay i don't like the hair of the character but uh okay...was it something adult related?

I'm trying to find a cover of one of the comics, instead I'm getting cosplay pics in the search results that wouldn't be used by anyone trying to promote their services as professional.
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