glasspandabear, that's a shame. I'm sure you could find a second hand console quite cheap. Though I don't know if it would justify to buy a console for one game. What type of games do you like?
hmm lol not to be dramatic but i'm Worthless
Why does it have to be so cold outside ughhh
Even on a "warm" winter day it's cold...
I love this site to death, I've been here for ages, but I feel ,,, isolated?
I've got my shops, I'm in the threads and stuff but, I don't have friends here anymore, nobody here cares for my name or who I am because I don't have the personal connections,you know? I mean, me and Belle we were friends without much of a second thought but after she quit ig I've become oddly alone. We shared jokes, gave each other bells and stuff and it was nice. It was a normal friendship, something I'm now missing.
I know I'll continue to use the forums even if I don't make any friends here anymore, but it's much nicer when your like notifications are from a friend :/
I love this site to death, I've been here for ages, but I feel ,,, isolated?
I've got my shops, I'm in the threads and stuff but, I don't have friends here anymore, nobody here cares for my name or who I am because I don't have the personal connections,you know? I mean, me and Belle we were friends without much of a second thought but after she quit ig I've become oddly alone. We shared jokes, gave each other bells and stuff and it was nice. It was a normal friendship, something I'm now missing.
I know I'll continue to use the forums even if I don't make any friends here anymore, but it's much nicer when your like notifications are from a friend :/