What's Bothering You?

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ahh i hate telephone interviews, i feel like i'm much better face to face but it seems like these days companies will only do telephone interviews to begin with
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ahh i hate telephone interviews, i feel like i'm much better face to face but it seems like these days companies will only do telephone interviews to begin with

wowww that's ****ty i'd hate doing it over telephone..
****ing cold but at least my co-worker was really sweet when she took my phone call.

Also I totally wanna get some Awesomenauts skins but I kno I shouldn't
I got really close to winning an Absol raid earlier on PoGo but because there were only two of us and no one else posted about it (I found out about it like 20 min before it ended) and we lost. I'm getting really frustrated because Absol never appears on this campus for some reason, and then when it does like no one knows about it. Most of the time it seems to appear in parks that are far away from campus, which wouldn't normally be too much of an issue, except that it's super icy and I don't have my bike and I don't drive. And no one ever actually posts them even though I've told everyone numerous times to tell me about any raids for Absol going on in the area, even if they're not on campus.

Must be nice to just be able to drive to all the raids and do them in your nice warm car :/
It's so cold I'm worried I'll get frostbite every time I go outside. It doesn't help that I've seen posts on Imgur about a guy who had to have his leg amputated due to frostbite.
I ate breakfast this morning around 10am but a few hours later I became really nauseous and I... well you prob know.

Now I'm hungry again, but I'm still feeling tired, achy, and kinda sick to my stomach. I took anti nausea meds though so hopefully that helps, but I had to miss work and my history class at 2:40pm because of this crap. I don't even get it because I felt fine earlier.

This is the third time in less than two months that I've had really bad nausea. I might need to talk to my doctor.

- - - Post Merge - - -

It's so cold I'm worried I'll get frostbite every time I go outside. It doesn't help that I've seen posts on Imgur about a guy who had to have his leg amputated due to frostbite.

Just bundle up in a nice coat, thick scarf, gloves, boots, and a hat and you should be okay :blush:
Since I try hard not to be mean or rude, I do not recognize an error in my political posts nor do I accept the negative consequences of my words. I don?t take criticism too kindly, as I hate harsh criticism against me with a fiery passion. But if I don?t want that, I should stop talking politics together, but I do not want my activity in political discussions affect me in the future if I talk about anything but politics.

You assume too much. I think you could benefit from learning debate etiquette. Can you name a logical fallacy?
I am so nervous that I will have my first "working" day tomorrow after +4 years of staying at home..
I mean, I need to only go once or twice (as I want) to the shelter per week, but goddamn
I am sooo nervous it makes my belly hurt T-T (I help at a local shelter for free to take care of cats)
i have so much soreness in my muscles and it’s just a struggle to walk ughh.
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