What's Bothering You?

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Certain threads on this site are not working for me!
My ankle is literally so sore. Yeah it's pretty much always sore but never this bad. I haven't done anything to it though other than walk on it?? I can't walk on it at all now :/
What are they doing?

Well I talked to one of the boys but they didn’t reply~totally ignored me and I’m pretty sure they heard me..
And then the other boy said to someone at work that I don’t talk which is a lie I do talk to people at work just not to him because he’s not nice to others,he swore at someone work~ so why would I wanna talk to him..
i have to do my end of unit 5 hour art exam across 6 different lessons which will take 2 weeks
well.. my final piece is going to look terrible.
I have literally been thinking about a group of subhuman scum I used to call friends that betrayed me for every single day since it happened.
My anger has not receded, I just incorporated it intonmy everyday life by now.
I have a debate tournament tomorrow and it should be fine, but I'm just kinda sad because it's already the last one of the season.
The fact that I only get 2G a month worth of data, and I constantly use so much of it up before the halfway point. Plus no rollover data, ugh, I hate this shared data plan. Meaning, a sudden decrease in activity for me until Feb 10th, when I get new data.
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Tonight is my last night with Luca and I honestly can't handle this rn.

Just a question, do you have a therapist of some sort? You can receive a letter from them which would otherwise allow you to keep your Cat if you are depressed and/or have other psychological problems.

Very sorry about what's been happening lately. :(
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