I remember when I was gone from this site for ten months. I originally decided that I am done forever, but since GameFAQs is not the appropriate site for me to post on the forums, I went back here.
That I dropped my necklace on my iPad so there is a white line pixel messed up now. It’s barly notocible so I don’t care if it don’t spread. I don’t think it will hopefully
I broke up with my boyfriend on Monday and I’ve felt guilty, confused, heartbroken, crestfallen, and everything inbetween lately. I cried for at least an hour to my mom about it today and I don’t know where I’d be without her love and support.
On top of this, my friends are fighting and I just know they are going to try and drag me into it and try to make me choose sides. I want absolutely nothing to do with it but they keep messaging me and I know it’s inevitable. It’s happening at a bad time for me and I really don’t want the extra stress of the situation.
ugh my bg gets on my nerves
Everytime I am mildy annoyed he always asks "why do you get mad so easily" and just asking that gets my rage up 100% when I wasn't even mad to begin with. And whenever I say I'm craving something he asks "why do you want everything" like why the **** do you need to keep saying that??? I'm getting sick of you seeming pissed off so I get kinda awkward vibes and act distant and then you say that I'm the one who's mad
I still haven't fully learned that it's okay to be something different than what other people wish I was, and to just be what I want to be, that it's not immoral to have a different view of what kind of person I should be than others...
My antibiotics r gone and I’m not fully better so I’m afraid to sleep tonight because I’m afraid it will get bad again then I’ll be back at the hospital and I want nothing more than to have my life back to normal again and to not be afraid anymore
The new nose stud I ordered didn’t fit in my piercing, but I put it in anyway & had to take it back out... nose is throbbing, bleeding, in so much pain. I can’t wait to take this **** out of my nose, but I’m going to leave a stud in there for the next 6 months ALONE to make sure everything’s nice and healed before I do.
why do i have to be so insecure over this it really shouldn't bother me but... it does. it didn't bother me in the moment so why does it bother me now? it just... hurts a lot and if that situation became a reality it would hurt even more...