What's Bothering You?

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I'm so exhausted and in a horrible mood and I just have to get up and do it all again tomorrow
I requested one thing of my mother for my daughters 1st birthday. One single thing that doesn?t cost a cent and would make me comfortable but because she ?feels like she is losing everything? and ?doesn?t wanna tell the girls? I now have had it thrown back in my face even though she said she understood.
I’ve been feeling kind of bad for the past week, and today I breathed in a bunch of dust while cleaning plant pots and I think it’s made it worse. :(
I'm kind of sick of the fact that when someone is being dragged on the internet even just saying: hey we don't have all the facts yet, maybe let's chill before we destroy their lives? Will get you swarmed on just as badly as if you'd actually done whatever thing yourself.

and Heaven forbid you should actually speak up to defend that person.
i'm a superstitious person which is probably really dumb but anyway last night i woke up having another coughing fit and i legit thought i was dying. didn't help tht i woke up at 3:33 am either lol after my system calmed down i couldn't stop crying i was convinced i was dying because everything just hurt so much and holy heck. i got so anxious and i realized how much i don't want 2 die n unfortunately i couldn't go back 2 sleep so i just called my bf n he calmed me down and we talked for 2 hrs but still. really scary stuff man
Been searching online for former profile pics I have found online but can?t find them anywhere. I?ve also deleted all the amazing avatars and signatures people on other forums made for me over the years on another forum and I solely regret it. :c
Been searching online for former profile pics I have found online but can’t find them anywhere. I’ve also deleted all the amazing avatars and signatures people on other forums made for me over the years on another forum and I solely regret it. :c
Were you getting some of them from LiveJournal? I know over the past couple years or so journals I really liked have been purged so all the icons they made are gone. :/
Were you getting some of them from LiveJournal? I know over the past couple years or so journals I really liked have been purged so all the icons they made are gone. :/
I remember some of them had a deviantart and imageshack but it’s been so long I can’t remember their usernames...
A migerine I have ontop of trying to heal on antibiotics hoping I get better with my throat and tonsil. Also the weight gain from my sickness
I have a bunch of schoolwork to do and honestly I don't feel like doing any of it.

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I also feel a headache coming on egehghghhh
so in class, we worked in groups and as I was leaving class, one of my groupmates started to talk to me. We got to know each other and I was going to wait by the place I normally wait for my bf. Well, I was too awkward to just end the convo since he asked questions that I ended up walking further to the student union and lied that I was gonna get some food LOL then I hid and waited a bit and walked back
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