What's Bothering You?

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I just wrote about 470 words for a jounral entry for my English class, and when I clicked submit it prompted me to log back in and then I lost all my progress... fml
Should be Saints vs Chiefs tbh

I hate both the Rams and Patriots so the fact one of these teams has to win bothers me. Hope the Patriots lose though

Same. Rooting for the patriots to lose. I could care less though.
I just wrote about 470 words for a jounral entry for my English class, and when I clicked submit it prompted me to log back in and then I lost all my progress... fml
Thats awful! D:
I have trouble to eat once again and it annoys me.
I am insanely hungry, aaaaah
God I can't stand the Patriots. Why can't they just go away already? Can't we just have one season where they're not in the AFC Championship/Super Bowl?
God I can't stand the Patriots. Why can't they just go away already? Can't we just have one season where they're not in the AFC Championship/Super Bowl?
oh my god I had a wonderful dream last night. I had a dream.... Tom Brady finally retired.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Drew Brees > Tom Brady who dat!
I have few tests coming up this week and I don't want to study. I need motivation.
My dad is in a bad mood. Great. Honestly, why is he becoming such an *******?
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Keep getting flashbacks or something. Very, VERY uncomfortable!!
Things never seem to work out for my and they probably never will. T^T
God I can't stand the Patriots. Why can't they just go away already? Can't we just have one season where they're not in the AFC Championship/Super Bowl?

I think the reason why they keep winning is because football has more of some dynastic rule of Super Bowls. Since there are only a few games per season, even losing a few games would cook your chances of showing up in the play-offs. Fewer games - higher odds.

And yes, I’m getting tired of the Patriots winning. In fact, I’m getting tired of Massachusetts dominating professional sports. Both the Red Sox and the Patriots won more championships this century than any other team from their sports (Patriots for NFL, Red Sox for MLB).
My health issues and wanting to feel like myself again hoping I get better. Also the weight gain this week from eating when I’m not even hungry just to sooth my throat cause it hurts so bad.
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