"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
I just wrote about 470 words for a jounral entry for my English class, and when I clicked submit it prompted me to log back in and then I lost all my progress... fml
Should be Saints vs Chiefs tbh
I hate both the Rams and Patriots so the fact one of these teams has to win bothers me. Hope the Patriots lose though
Thats awful! D:I just wrote about 470 words for a jounral entry for my English class, and when I clicked submit it prompted me to log back in and then I lost all my progress... fml
oh my god I had a wonderful dream last night. I had a dream.... Tom Brady finally retired.God I can't stand the Patriots. Why can't they just go away already? Can't we just have one season where they're not in the AFC Championship/Super Bowl?
God I can't stand the Patriots. Why can't they just go away already? Can't we just have one season where they're not in the AFC Championship/Super Bowl?
I have few tests coming up this week and I don't want to study. I need motivation.
Super hungry but literally no food in the house