What's Bothering You?

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Why can't I just be straight.
I have to go to a music class all the way across campus in about 20 minutes. If the class was right over at the music hall where LITERALLY ALL OF MY OTHER MUSIC CLASSES ARE my life would be so much easier.
my mp3 player...windows 10 apparently dont work with it cause it doesnt copy to the correct place ****
^Well that sucks! Sorry to hear that man.
All I want to do is go home and nap away this cold, but I've got too much stuff to do today, tomorrow and the next week...
Dear people who look at social media posts from 2010 in hopes of ruining someone's reputation-

You are pure scum.
Dear people who look at social media posts from 2010 in hopes of ruining someone's reputation-

You are pure scum.

I agree with that. Unless if it?s for something related to your business (like considering a bank robber to become a police officer), your past is irrelevant in today?s time. I never heard of people doing something like this until the Paula Deen incident (which didn?t involve social media, but it?s still the same crime), which I still hate up to this date. Maybe if they?re going to use someone?s past to count aganst them today, we should use that or something else they?re currently doing to count against them in the future.
the amount of money my brother's fiance is spending on their wedding physically sickens me
Dear people who look at social media posts from 2010 in hopes of ruining someone's reputation-

You are pure scum.

Preach dude. I have HAD IT with outrage culture and people going nuclear over minuscule offences. How do you expect anybody to grow or change if you are fully prepared to destroy someone any time they make a mistake?
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I had a midterm today and I literally got a 12% on it. No exaggeration. I earned 12/100 points. Now I have to withdraw from this class and take one over the summer... :(
So someone came to repaint the walls; they put tape on the molding, but not the windows and shelves connected to the wall???

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I feel so bad having to depend on others so much. I'm depending on a friend to help me throw away my mattresses, and help the guy delivering the new ones. The poor thing is so tired, but my brother is never home and my grandfather has a bad back. I hope to be able to give back one day.
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