What's Bothering You?

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I'm always feeling rather unhappy about the look of my profile here- cycling through profile pictures and collectible lineups almost daily now. I used to think it was more fun customizing my profile but its come to the point where I'm unhappy with anything I choose. x(

Unrelated to that, ^ a lot's been going through my mind . ・゚
nothing like waiting for a mystery ailment to go away on its own so you dont have to see a doctor

finally figured out what it is I think so I'm feeling less stressed about it yaaay

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm always feeling rather unhappy about the look of my profile here- cycling through profile pictures and collectible lineups almost daily now. I used to think it was more fun customizing my profile but its come to the point where I'm unhappy with anything I choose. x(

If it makes u feel better ur profiles are always cute af
I haven't done anything productive in years. It hurts to see everyone I grew up with growing up and driving and having fun and I'm just at home hating myself. I'm essentially a dropout at this point. I've been in and out of public school since 5th grade, and I've never finished an online class. I don't know how my mom pulled it off with me not doing my work but she got me to 9th grade. I'm still technically a freshman because I never finished. Everyone else I grew up with is in 10th grade now. They're graduating in two years and I'm doing absolutely nothing. I don't even know what I want anymore. I can't bring myself to do the schoolwork.I don't even know if I'll be able to pull off getting my GED/other high school equivalency test. I'm not even old enough to try yet. It feels like I've sabotaged myself and that I'm doing everything possible to ruin my own life. The only things that motivate me are my boyfriend and animals. I just want to work with animals, but I can't do that if I never make any attempt to get my diploma or equivalent. I've ruined everything.

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On another note, I ****ing hate cold weather, and every part of my being wants to move back to Florida. I have to stay inside constantly because it's 27F outside in MARCH.
I haven't done anything productive in years. It hurts to see everyone I grew up with growing up and driving and having fun and I'm just at home hating myself. I'm essentially a dropout at this point. I've been in and out of public school since 5th grade, and I've never finished an online class. I don't know how my mom pulled it off with me not doing my work but she got me to 9th grade. I'm still technically a freshman because I never finished. Everyone else I grew up with is in 10th grade now. They're graduating in two years and I'm doing absolutely nothing. I don't even know what I want anymore. I can't bring myself to do the schoolwork.I don't even know if I'll be able to pull off getting my GED/other high school equivalency test. I'm not even old enough to try yet. It feels like I've sabotaged myself and that I'm doing everything possible to ruin my own life. The only things that motivate me are my boyfriend and animals. I just want to work with animals, but I can't do that if I never make any attempt to get my diploma or equivalent. I've ruined everything.

I'm sorry. Just try to hang in there. I'll be wishing you the best, love. <3 hugs
Just powered through all of panty and stocking and holy hell am I mad at that ending LOL
I'm always feeling rather unhappy about the look of my profile here- cycling through profile pictures and collectible lineups almost daily now. I used to think it was more fun customizing my profile but its come to the point where I'm unhappy with anything I choose. x(

I feel exactly the same too :( But yeah, your aesthetics are always nice tho!!


My mood and energy have been all over the place these past few days hmmm....
im a very academically competitive person and sometimes i worry about unintentionally coming off as snobby
You said you don’t mind talking to me.
You told me you saw me as a friend.
You promised we could see each other again.

I asked my dad if he could take me to get my sleeping meds and some food and he's not even looked at my message yet :(
I know he's driving but hopefully he replies soon, I'm not very patient with this kind of thing...
There's another spider in my room and I'm paranoid it's gonna crawl under my blankets whilst I sleep. *sigh*
My diet has been terrible lately, and I'm really feeling it. Hopefully when I start juicing again tomorrow I'll feel like myself again.
When the humidity is high and the temperature is below 32? (or 0? if you use Metric), that would make the outdoors feel very cold. But it?s nighttime, so I don?t have to go out.

Why is it so cold when the TBT Background is the spring background?
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