Today is just not a good day for my anxiety. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything, I already had to deal with a panic attack last night and I don't wanna have to go through that again.
Nintendofan85 dude, I'm so sorry that you have to live with a person like that. I can't even imagine or truly relate what it's like living with a person who thinks like that. And who are these shallow minded people who think bisexuals guys don't exist? Like, they only thought it was reserved for girls??? Only a girl can like other girls and guys?
I haven't come out to my parents as liking people for their personality. My dad, I know he would be fine with. It's my mom on the other hand... She isn't like hardcore religious, but I honeslty can't tell her stance on the whole subject. She doesn't do anythin to like, be accepting of it, but she doesn't do anythin dis-approving of it. I believe she doesn't do anythin negative about it because she knows my dad, sister and I would chew her out. Only my sister knows that I would date girls, and I only told her cause I felt 120% comfortable telling her. I actully don't really tell other people either, mainly cause I don't want to hear their toxic hate speech.
But like your friend, there was a time where I thought I was one thing, but turns out I was another. For a while I thought I was asexual, but this was largely because I had such low self esteem that I thought no one would date me. Later I thought I was only straight since I haven't had a crush on anyone other then a dude. Then I realized I like people for their personality, regardless of identify. I questioned this, but it was verified when I need up having this huge crush on a girl for months (I haven't really interacted with trans, pan gender, gender fluid people, ect... that I know of).
So your friend could have been going throu those questions in his mind, asking himself who he likes, and does he really like them for them? I'm sure he meant nothin of it, tryin to be rude and not 'validating bi guys'. Possibly the same thoughts have crossed his mind.
This isn't meant to be a lecture-thou the length certainly is.
Anyway, I hope one day your mother will be more accepting, esp of her own child. Hopefully she can open her eyes and be reminded all people should be loved, atleast acknowledged for who they are, no matter religious beliefs.
Unfortunately, it's a pretty common belief.
Also, technically my mom and I don't live together anymore (not for the most part, anyways) because I'm now in college and I'm in a dorm, but she's going to continue paying for me to go to college and law school afterwards up until I'm 24. (I'm 19 right now, had my birthday roughly a month and a half ago) And, interestingly enough, I normally wouldn't even be able to finish law school until I'm 25 in 2025, it's just that I'm in a program where I'll already be doing my first year of law school when I'm a senior in college (but I still get my undergraduate degree when I'm 22). Basically, my point is, even if I don't technically live with my mother for most of the year, I still rely on her financially. Honestly, coming out may risk that, but the thing is that recently she's been pressing me to meet girls and is afraid that if I don't meet someone in college, I'll never get married or have kids, as that's what happened to her two older siblings and as a result, she ended up being the only one of the three children my grandparents on her side of the family had that got married or had a child. I don't know, it's a crazy situation-my mom even says that because my best friend is gay, and he goes to my college too, that hanging out with him means girls will think I'm gay and automatically will not want to date me.
Today is just not a good day for my anxiety. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything, I already had to deal with a panic attack last night and I don't wanna have to go through that again.
I'm sad because my portable CD player isn't reading the disc anymore, I was hoping I could use it to listen to my CDs
Also somehow I left my phone charger in my dad's car so I can't charge my phone. Luckily I have extra cords, but not the wall part so my phone has to be plugged into my computer USB port. Also my phone is such a pain, it takes like 5-7 hours to charge if its not fast charging. Ugh.
I really want Cherry and Bunnie to move into my main town... but that means I have to tear down all my PWP and new ones everywhere and redo the pain in the ass plot reset which may have a chance to mess everything up. But I REALLY want Cherry and Bunnie in my town. ;_;
I had my window + door open to get some fresh air into my bedroom.. a outside cat went inside and marked a spot..
it smells so bad, it's actually insane.. I mean.. at least my three indoor cats have something interesting to smell,
I guess.. but jeeesus christ.. I didn't knew catsmell can be THAT bad.. and that comes from a person that has over
200 cats around her when helping out at the shelter. God.. q-q
And then I opened the other side of the house and the cat came back inside about to mark somewhere
else.. glad I noticed her this time fast enough and putted her outside.. T-T
why am i SO goddamn dumb, for real.. like I've managed to lose this key in the space of four seconds within such a small area, why can't I just remember where I put it AHHHHHHHHHHH
so anxious about being too anxious. how am i meant to get through these interviews, i can barely speak, i'm so pathetic, there's always gonna be someone better than me, how exactly do i fit in
I'm madly in love with you all over again, and you have to leave in a couple days. I thought I'd be able to numb myself to that part before you came, but I've seen the real you for the first time in over a year, and it was much needed. I'm glad you're able to fly me out to you now from time to time, but this is still hard. </3