What's Bothering You?

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EDIT: Yeah, I’m pretty much in the same situation as xSuperMario64x

Yeah honestly I'm getting tired of being in school. It's just a constant stream of stress, and a person as emotionally weak as I am can only handle so much stress before they break.

I'm taking a second module English class that's basically watching like 2-3 movies a week and I reeeeeeally don't want to do it, I have untreated ADD (not to mention I'm not a fan of movies) and I don't think I could handle watching so many movies in a short time period. But I'm taking it because I have a stupid distribution requirement I gotta fill out and I have to take humanities courses. Gonna see if I can drop it anyways, I've been through enough mental torture this year. So tired of it all.
I swear, everytime I borrow one of my brother’s stuff, somehow or someway they all break and they get all pissed like I broke it on purpose. My oldest brother let me borrow his platinum so I can transfer Pok?mon from my emerald. Right when it starts to save on both games the freaking thing wrecks. I get the “The saved file is corrupted” message and I’m all “oh great!” Luckily though both games turned out fine. That sure caused me anxiety. >.>

Also, my leg is freaking killing me and my stomach ache just won’t go away. ):
Also dad why do you ask about **** you know i don't need to have and you only want me to so you can control me even more. i'm sick of you hiding behind this **** and not confessing you are a bad parent.
My laptop doesn't seem to want to download a Discord update. It just keeps loading forever - I left it running for the night and it's still loading.
If my dad doesn't stop being so ****ing angry about every little thing that upsets him he's gonna have a heart attack.

Also if I needed any more reason to leave this place as soon as possible, now I have it.
the people at my school keep yelling about that Momo statue. i'm not scared of it but, hearing about that thing at least 100 times a day kinda gets on my nerves.
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idk what's wrong with me, I just feel so bored and dissatisfied. I can't even find the energy to clean up my bedroom which is one of the things I wanted to do today since I'm too tired to do it the rest of the week
Oof, I think I got sunburned on my legs too.

Also I've been working with the same company for nearly a year and they STILL can't give me full time.
having multiple assessments this week that i'm not ready for also having way too much homework to do :(
The fact that no one I know really likes the same music as me!:(
i miss watching fairy tail for the first time nothing will ever amount to when i first heard the op
Feeling so out of it, especially when I'm left with nothing to do. My mind is just drifting anywhere and everywhere, feeling depressed, in disbelief and just frozen.

I should probably just cry it out or something but I can't even bring myself to that.
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We have 100km/h wind here since 2 weeks, nonstop rain.. today there is a bit of sun, but even stronger wind.
I can't even breath good because of it :mad:
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