just found out my uncle was in a really bad car accident. he ran into a semi and he might not make it. he has broken ribs, crushed vertebrae, brain bleeds... the list goes on. this is also the exact same way my dad died (car accident w/ a semi) almost 3 years ago and my uncle has a history of mental illness and suicide attempts so it's very possible this was a suicide attempt as well. hoping things turn around but it's not looking good. he is the only family member from my dad's side that was decent and kind and helpful to me and my siblings when my dad died and now he might die too. not sure who i can talk to. feeling very alone.
Heey henstu, if you ever wanna chat hmu.
Mad that my manager changed my schedule on me at last minute, DIDN'T TELL ME, which made me late for work today. This is the second or third time in an entire year of working there that I have been late, both times him changing the schedule without telling me. I should never be late, there is never a time for me to be late. Being late is the bane of my existence, it rocks me to the core of my very being. The first time he posted a ****ing 'rough schedule', like no, post the real one, don't **** with me like that. He has my cell number, so there's no reason for him to change it without telling me.
This one bothers me particularly, because I was at work on Monday and I LOOKED at my paper version of the schedule which SAID I come in to work at 12noon today, Wed. I saw this on Monday. So sometime between Monday and Tuesday, he decides to be like 'nah, lemme change this that I've had up for a week' and changed it on me. Someone might be like 'take a chill pill, you were only late twice' but being late is like the worse thing for me, I have OCD-tendencies (I don't wanna say full on OCD cause it's not THAT bad) and being late goes with that.
So not only that, but he wrote in, not as part of the original schedule for me to work Saturday, which 1 he did not ask me if I could work Saturday, as I normally don't work weekends and 2 did not tell me I was working Saturday, he just ASSUMED I would be available. I actually have somethin to do that day, but with what limited hours I get, I mine as well go to work and rush myself later.
But don't worry cause I'll get treated like **** next week with one day. I can't really talk to him about it either cause he'll always have a rebuttal for somethin I say :/
I'm so sorry.
How does the schedule there work? When I worked in the bakery they considered the printed schedule the "final" one, and nobody could suddenly make changes to it without notifying the worker.
I've just been feeling kind of lonely lately.
just found out my uncle was in a really bad car accident. he ran into a semi and he might not make it. he has broken ribs, crushed vertebrae, brain bleeds... the list goes on. this is also the exact same way my dad died (car accident w/ a semi) almost 3 years ago and my uncle has a history of mental illness and suicide attempts so it's very possible this was a suicide attempt as well. hoping things turn around but it's not looking good. he is the only family member from my dad's side that was decent and kind and helpful to me and my siblings when my dad died and now he might die too. not sure who i can talk to. feeling very alone.
So, here's the dealio. It works like this:
Every Tuesday a new schedule is supposed to be posted -online- at 10pm. However, my manager doesn't always do that soo I check on like Wed, Thursday.
He then puts up the printed version of the schedule days and days later, and he told me the printed version is the final correct version. There have been errors with the online system displaying wrong days/times because it gets powered off/ restarted??? When he does post the paper schedule, IF he does, I check that everyday I go to work. But I don't go to work everyday, so I check it as often as I can. I take screenshots of my online schedule as well.
I check that paper schedule Monday, didn't go to work Tuesday, and went back to work Wed. So from Monday night after I went home for the day, and Tuesday when I wasn't there, he changed it in me. It was posted that I was to come in at 12pm for the longest time it could have been.
Also feel free to hmu, when I'm not being screwed over by work, I have lots of free time.