What's Bothering You?

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.....I hate reddit so WHY do I keep using it? Why do I keep doing things that make me unhappy?
I really really wish I didn't care so much about this. None of it is on purpose and I appreciate you caring, but it's agony.
Really pissed my dad off last night and now I’m scared to face him. So here I am hiding in my room all day like a coward.
I'm doing miserably in three of my classes - I'm just so behind. I'm just struggling hardcore right now, with just about everything. I'm hoping to catch a break - I think I'll call my uncle later on today, and try and get him to persuade my mom into letting me stay at a friend's house for a bit. Perhaps I'll be more at ease there. But I'm just tired of having to deal with my mental issues, and having to deal with my family. I'm tired of feeling like this.
I feel nauseous for some reason. I'm also really tired and that headache from yesterday lingers. I'm gonna try drinking some water but idk if it'll help much.
ever read a book which had a disappointing ending and then you're not sure what to do with yourself because you feel so unsatisfied and unfulfilled
I wish Wii Nunchucks weren't so flimsy. Even if you treat them with the most delicate care they still seem to become dysfunctional after a few months. Need to buy some new ones if I want to play Mario Galaxy again.
I owe $700 in medical bills and have more coming!!!!! :) :) :) so glad i'm a broke college student with very little income!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
I got a burn at work yesterday from the oven door, cause it opens downward and the metal that was inside was really hot. My dumb self made my bare arm touch it as I reached in to pull out some bread. Eh, no big deal, I've been burned before. They heal.

I'm not bothered about that. What does concern/bother me is that when I was pulling boxes out of the freezer, apparently the burn snagged on a box and became slightly open, I tore some skin off. Now it's red-er in that part and exposed. I need to wear a bandaid tomorrow to work just for safety, so it doesn't snag on anythin else, but the only bandaid I have that would cover the burn completely is obnoxiously big. It would draw lot of attention to that arm.
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Having a migraine is one thing.

Heavy crying is a whole 'nother thing.

Put those two together you got yourself a part-ay...
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