What's Bothering You?

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i'm feeling a bit worried. yesterday, at school, a search was conducted by the principal and vice-principal. everyone in my grade division (including me) had their desks and bags searched. someone had lost their phone and the police have already been contacted.i find it weird but okay.
every day I get to decide whether a decent amount of sleep is worth a sore neck (bonus if shoulders hurt too) and probably a headache :lemon: today I decided it was. Haha
This is the third day in a row that I've had a migraine.

Also I didn't find any shiny Treeckos on PoGO today, though I found a shiny Bulba an hour before community day started so I'm not too upset about that.
I got back from a cruise a couple of days ago and still feel like the ground underneath me is moving. I'm hoping it goes away.
You may need to see a doctor. If you’re getting constant migranes, there could be something going on.

Yeah I prob will end up seeing my doctor really soon, especially if I have yet another one tomorrow.

I'm so tired and stressed out and I can't even catch a break this weekend ugh. So tired of everything honestly can I just disappear from existence that would be gr8
Either it's cramps or a stomachache.

Yeah I prob will end up seeing my doctor really soon, especially if I have yet another one tomorrow.

I'm so tired and stressed out and I can't even catch a break this weekend ugh. So tired of everything honestly can I just disappear from existence that would be gr8

I hope you are able to get a check-up soon, and that the migraines go away <3 wish life didn't have to be so stressful smh. hugs
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I am worried I won't be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour tonight because recently I have been trouble sleeping
Ugh I need to sleep but I feel sick to my stomach... things just aren't going the way I'd like them to rn
Probably because you didn't win a Kaleidoclover.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but seriously, I don't feel bad or anything else that I didn't win Kaleidoclover either. Its a chance collectible after all.

Maybe we'll get a Kaleidoclover one day. And I hope your stomach feels better. Also, don't take that strikethrough sentence seriously, I didn't mean to offend you.
Probably because you didn't win a Kaleidoclover.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but seriously, I don't feel bad or anything else that I didn't win Kaleidoclover either. Its a chance collectible after all.

Maybe we'll get a Kaleidoclover one day. And I hope your stomach feels better. Also, don't take that strikethrough sentence seriously, I didn't mean to offend you.

Honestly that prob is part of the reason why I don't feel well but I'm not really upset. Yes I am ugh why am I like this

I can't sleep at all Even though I took my slerping meds. My eoommate wont let the room be complete darkness so I'll just lie here miserable until I guess I fall asleep...
still missing that doggo damnit hope we can watch him again :/

also i wish i liked making lunchboxes n **** but honestly food is boring i just try to avoid processed fast food or cheap instant food stuff.
i went to sleep at 1am which is super late because i've got class and gotta be up at 6:30am i couldn't even get to sleep because there was a storm then a lot of wind so out of 6 hours i probably slept for 2 max and now i've got class from 9am till 4:30pm today is gonna be a rough day wish me luck...
starting to get a headache from staring at my phone for so long pbbfft I think I've had enough of the marketplace for today x_x
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