What's Bothering You?

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It's just so frustrating, and my family just doesn't understand.

Also, I hope my mom is going to allow me to stay over at my friend's house. She doesn't like the idea of it, but I think I would be better off someplace else.
another job rejection i guess, it'd be nice of them to let me know though!!!! time 2 cry
several things.. it's my boyfriend & i's anniversary today and i found some... unsavory information out today regarding him. i also had to take my nose ring out because of healing issues & it's red/purple-ish and irritated and ugh i'm so mad. i loved my nose piercing so much and i hate that it never really healed well. i can only hope the color goes away & that the hole doesn't close.. if it does, oh well.

i also just submitted an ASS midterm that i'm for sure failing.
What I have with you, I'm crazy about. I'm so sick of having my doubts, fears, and impatience get in the way of my confidence in us. I have a lot to work on, and I think it has to do with my terrible past experiences with men and friends.

I want to talk to someone about these things. After her stroke and brain surgery, I've had to hold back on talking to my mum like I used to 10 years ago. She was the closest thing to me-- still is, but had to make changes to make sure she was in a positive state of mind. I don't want her stressing about my mess, even if I assure things are okay after I vent she's more stressed out than she should be in her state. Her health comes first. While I don't mind doing this for her as she is my everything, it has unfortunately taken a toll on me for the past decade and I'm really feeling it.

I've been wanting to maybe talk to a professional for the past few years when I finally admitted to myself that I need help. However, I just have one more obstacle: money. While the clinic I go to allows me to pay a bit less money, I still have unable to work thanks to me being sick the past 6 months. Bills are already piling up. I'm praying for a miracle that I can find this kind of help, because I feel like I've tried everything else with little progress.
why do people care so much about whether or not I'm dating anyone???
Me: let’s check the news!

*sees Jesse smollet got released and article 13 passed*

...*throws phone *
I have to get out of bed at least within the next 15 minutes but I feel like I'm made out of sludge. NOW you wanna sleep u stupid body? We could've been doing this hours ago but nooo.
I thought it was just my old as heck phone dropping bars constantly, but noooo, its the signal itself goin in and out, which I can't help at all. God why do we not have WiFi? People who are poorer than us can afford it, it's such a commonplace thing to have for the house. It would have alot saved us (my sister and I) soooo much school work, trips to the library, and even grades. My parents wouldn't take me to the library in time, which resulted me in gettin F's for assignments AND huge grade projects. Thank you, for making me fail for no good reason, esp when one was an easy English assignment.

Also I am developing a headache.
mm i can feel a migraine coming on now. at least it waited until i got home, i guess. hahah trying to see the upside, even if there isn't one really Px
I really wish I had a therapist. I need someone to spill all the crap in my head to and help me out of this slump, but I don't want to bother my parents for the money
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