What's Bothering You?

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There's a book that I guess I should've started reading for History last week on Tuesday, and I didn't know I had to read it until this past Tuesday. I do want to read it, but I'm gonna have to do it on my own time, maybe later today through the weekend.
My professor says it's one of those books that you can read in a few hours, but knowing my lack of focus and incredibly short attention span, it'll take me quite a bit longer than a "few hours" to read it. Too bad I prob won't be able to discuss it in class today... :(

Also I know this was years and years ago, but it's still bothers me that nobody gave a **** about Vietnam vets when they finally came home. Like it physically pains me.
There's a book that I guess I should've started reading for History last week on Tuesday, and I didn't know I had to read it until this past Tuesday. I do want to read it, but I'm gonna have to do it on my own time, maybe later today through the weekend.
My professor says it's one of those books that you can read in a few hours, but knowing my lack of focus and incredibly short attention span, it'll take me quite a bit longer than a "few hours" to read it. Too bad I prob won't be able to discuss it in class today... :(

Also I know this was years and years ago, but it's still bothers me that nobody gave a **** about Vietnam vets when they finally came home. Like it physically pains me.

US should never had messed with that war. Also considering what a lot of people did to the Vietnamese I don't feel sorry for the US war machines. Sure, many might have been brutally forced into the army but that is not an excuse to treat people like they were rape toys.
Apparently, a girl in my sister's class fainted and hurt herself really bad. She was super stressed about drama in class and overdue assignments. This bothers me because I'm going through a ton of drama and I have a lot of test coming up. I'm worried that I might end up just like that.. :(
The fact that the kaleidoclover collectible has reached love/moon ball levels of pricing means that I have absolutely zero chance of ever getting one. Oh well...
I had a nightmare. I was getting such good rest until then. . .
I'm trying to think of a username that I already didn't use (Which is this username by the way. No no, i'm not making an alt account here) But I can't think of any. I'm so stumped! All seem such good ideas yet I can only use one/afraid they have already been taken.
Oooooh, okay, don't pick at a healing burn :|

Paperboy012305 you can look up all the usernames ever made on this site. The process is a bit tedious but it helps.
RIP Agn?s Varda :(

Also a bit better at work but honestly if you can't communicate with your superiors nor with me or the co-worker in the room we're in you got issues.
I was at the veterinaire today.. my guinea pig has now 5 tumors in her body.. she was fine before the visit and
the vet gave her medicine to slow down the growing
of the tumor.. I just gave them food ans she barely
moves now, has struggle to keep her eyes open
and can't eat but still tries.. it's heartbreaking
to watch.. I stayed next to her for a while but
goddamn, it's painful to watch her like that..
I hope she will feel better tomorrow.. really
hoping it's just the medicine that makes her
tired for a bit.. U.U
A friend on Steam isn't responding no matter how many times I IM him! It's annoying as hell.
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Talking to this dude who has the social skills of a dead fish is giving me a brain aneurysm
God I despise my life. and I'm tired of being too much of a coward to stand up for what I want.
I was at the veterinaire today.. my guinea pig has now 5 tumors in her body.. she was fine before the visit and
the vet gave her medicine to slow down the growing
of the tumor.. I just gave them food ans she barely
moves now, has struggle to keep her eyes open
and can't eat but still tries.. it's heartbreaking
to watch.. I stayed next to her for a while but
goddamn, it's painful to watch her like that..
I hope she will feel better tomorrow.. really
hoping it's just the medicine that makes her
tired for a bit.. U.U

Ah no I'm sorry! I could only imagine how you're feeling, I hope she gets well soon </3

- - - Post Merge - - -

I regret asking her what I asked, and ugh I wanna take it back I love her.
people only wanting to trade their kaleidoclovers... so tbt is basically useless unless you got collectibles or idk off-site things. :/

also yeah dead fish brain-people are annoying as hell. Or if they only show what they can with certain persons so they fool the whole department gee thanks can I request a room change?
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