What's Bothering You?

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Indigestion. Also, waiting for this freaking sleep aid to kick in already!!
Mozilla giving me "Secure Connection Failed" every damn second all of a sudden, hope I can fix this cause I can barely get onto google now.
Omg wisdom teeth please just come through already, I'm sick of this monthly flare up of pain when you're trying to poke through my gum smh
Omg wisdom teeth please just come through already, I'm sick of this monthly flare up of pain when you're trying to poke through my gum smh

Ohhh my god I remember when i got mine, they were killing me so hard x.x I'm sorry man.. I just hope they haven't been bad since I probs have to see the dentist this year.
Mario Kart 8 Renegade Roundup. I was the last renegade for my team and I was caught as I turned a corner with 1 second left and we lost. This has happened to me 5 times now. Total BS game.
i overheard some kid asking his mate where to get cofgriegus in pokemon diamond...

managed to fix that error but it's probably there for a too good reason and it cant differ between sites sigh. dumb boolean ****
I really need to find something to study but..I mean I really want to stay at the library but sucks so hard you need to study in the meanwhile and if I would to find something it'd be because of that not bc I actually planned to study otherwise, meh.

I mean I found a few classes I could take but eehh.. :/
I don't know what's wrong with me. For some reason, my mind is just focusing on negativities as of late. It's almost as if little things are just ticking me off, diverting me from the positives. Seems like hate is lingering in my mind, and I'm trying to battle against it. Feels like my greatest enemy is myself.
Things were going pretty well. I was excited for some things but then a sudden thing happened and now I feel crushed and defeated. I'm uneasy about the future now and it sucks cause not to long ago I was excited for it, had motivation and plans but, now I just want to lie in bed and not do anything. I feel like isolating myself away from everyone and I know that's not healthy but. I dunno.
So that's pretty much what's bugging me. Not feeling motivated, wanting to isolate while already feeling completely alone (yeah ik it doesnt make sense), and just that feeling of having something ripped away from you once you finally achieved it.
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