What's Bothering You?

I barely made a dent on my break homework, and it's due right when I go back to school, which is three days from now.

I see my week off as an opportunity to take my mind off school as it has been detrimental to my mental health, so I really don't like having it follow me around in the form of classwork. Unfortunately, I can't control the choices my teachers make..
Minor bother, but my back has been hurting every day for the last week or two when I get up. Feels like it's going to snap in half, actually. I tried changing my diet a bit and it's still happening, so I'm not really sure what's going on. If it continues happening I may have to pay the doctor's another visit, which I really don't want to do, lol.
I'm kind of worried about me and my family (extended and otherwise) because we're in Dublin but there's been a ridiculous number of stabbings lately, so the midterm break is a bit ruined.

Not only that, but my cousin has gotten really pissy about us staying in the house she's in for a few days for some reason. She's being really childish, staying out all day, ignoring us, changing the locks on the rooms and other stuff. It's technically ours, but we're literally letting her stay in the house rent free with the proviso that we could stay in the house when we needed, but she's decided to renege on that, even though we haven't stayed except for my dad going up once for a night to get tested for something in the hospital.

I have an exam in French in a few days, and if I fail, I have to pay for my exam because it costs a ridiculous amount of money and my family isn't exactly the richest one you could ever have. My French teacher can't teach, is really bad at English so a lot of the time is spent trying to figure out what words mean, and she thought the exam would be in May but it's in March.

And the most mild thing is that I was going to hang out with a friend in the city, but instead of that, I have to hang around with their entire group of friends who I've never met before in a roller rink. I can't skate.

Edit: I've also been having extremely disturbing dreams, not of which I can even allude to on a site like this. I hate having them, and I hate that I remember them.
I've been not posting in this thread for a while because I don't want to seem like someone extremely annoying who complains about everything that goes wrong, but this week has been and will be terrible. TBT is legitimately the only thing keeping my sanity.
I dislike winter. I live with constant Raynauds flares this time of year. For most of today I couldn't feel my fingers; now they're on fire.

Fingers should not look this different compared to the colour of your hands! It is a constant cycle of pure white fingers with no feeling (not enough bloodflow) and red hot and swollen/tingling (once bloodflow returns).

It impacts my feet as well but I'll spare everyone pictures of those!
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