• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's Bothering You?

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It needs to be on the news. It must be known worldwide.

To be fair, it was announced fairly late in the States, and I'm sure other news stations in Japan and what not have covered it. News usually takes a few hours to come about, so I predict we'll have some news articles and actual announcements given by tomorrow morning/afternoon.

I ended up relapsing today. It's so terribly, indescribably difficult to be monitored and limited with food due to unfortunate circumstances. I pray to any being out there that one day no one else has to go through an eating disorder. Amen.
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It needs to be on the news. It must be known worldwide.

It's now on New York Times (I believe). I even surfed the web.

I was amazed that Nintendo raised their flags half-mast, just like how the US does it when a public official dies. It's very important to do something like that to mourn the death of an important person.

EDIT: I see it on Cable News Network (CNN) and Wall Street Journal now.
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RIP Omar Sharif as well.. He died a few days ago but tbh didn't get the attention he deserved :( I remember when I saw Doctor Zhivago... I was blown off my sofa so many times..

Also I knew I should have bought that handbag cause of course it wasn't in stock yesterday, ****
why am i arguing with people who defend actual child molesters? why are these people accusing me, a 14 year old teen on the internet, of emotionally abusing them because i got into an argument with them when they are in their mid 20s? why don't these people have a life or friends?
Robert Plant is playing here tomorrow and I dont jav anyone to go with. Might bribe some poor one just cause :(
why am i arguing with people who defend actual child molesters? why are these people accusing me, a 14 year old teen on the internet, of emotionally abusing them because i got into an argument with them when they are in their mid 20s? why don't these people have a life or friends?
Thats messed up that people defend them.....
Got banned. Still depressed. Stupid Walmart lady. My mom. My tum hurting because hungry. Literally everything.
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My friend just forced my laptop off. I lost all my work, my WIP artworks, everything.
My friend just forced my laptop off. I lost all my work, my WIP artworks, everything.

fruuuuuck i'd literally kill anyone if they did that.

also ughhh bored af and i wanna go tomorrow but probably gonna be tons of peeps and i no wanna go alone
I'm 22 at the end of next month and I am not ready for that.
Wasn't I just 12 like 3 days ago???

When did I get so old?? RIP me
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